Devil's Descent: who and why built a giant roller coaster in Utah (8 photos)

13 April 2023

USA, Utah, Morgan County, Weber Canyon. Right here there is a strange giant structure in the form of a hill with two railings on the sides. Even more likely, it does not resemble a hill, but a gutter, according to who is fit to let the water down.

The dimensions of the slide and the composition of the rock

Because of its size, this formation is called the "Devil's Descent". By the way, the slide is very similar to a straight bobsleigh track. Its width - about 6 meters, and the height of the walls in some places reaches 12 meters. At the same time, the attraction of the Weber Canyon stretches from top to bottom. at 60 meters.

The parallel walls of the chute are strong and durable, and the descent between them consists of soft and pliable limestone. There is a possibility that it was because of this that the middle of the structure was washed out by rains and weathered strong air currents.

Versions of origin

1. Natural education

There is no consensus among those who have tried to explore the "Descent devil," when and how the gutter was formed. Scientists think that the track has natural origin and the beginning of its formation was laid another 75 million years ago. But on the surface of the earth, the "fins" became visible not so long ago by geological standards.

There is an opinion among scientists that there are about 180 millions of years ago there was a sea that stretched from the modern Arizona to the Colorado River. Slowly but surely, the water currents washed away limestone between the rigid slabs and the rut began to form 75 million years ago, as already mentioned.

When the sea dried up, the formation became visible on the surface of the earth. Now it can be seen even from a satellite.

Satellite view of Devil's Descent.

2. Man-made structure

In order for a version of man-made formation to appear "The Descent of the Devil" follows from Utah to move to Montana, which located to the north and borders Canada. As it turned out, in Montana north of Yellowstone National Park there is a second similar gutter, but slightly smaller.

Two almost identical sights for a thousand kilometers apart – naturally occurring? Quite possible. But it is just as possible that both of them were made by humans.

Descent in Montana

Proponents of such an interpretation even have their own evidence. How much they can be trusted, judge for yourself. The point is that there is image of a descent in Montana, which dates from the end of the 19th century. On In this image, the gutter has sharper lines. He looks like two giant parallel walls that people walk on.

Artist Thomas Moran, "Devil's Hill", 1871

Perhaps once these were stairs along which people with for some purpose they climbed the mountain and descended to its foot. What happened between the stairs, one can only speculate. Pictured between the walls just a road, but there is a possibility that they once lowered down the chute water.

The inconsistencies of the landscape do not interfere with believing in the existence of an ancient developed civilization

Depiction of the Devil's Descent in Utah on canvas (linen), circa 1930 to 1945

In fairness, you should pay attention to the mountains behind stairs in an 1871 drawing. The landscape does not fit with the modern relief in Montana and is most likely a free reenactment or the imagination of the artist.

However, the current state of the ridges attractions in Utah and Montana are almost the same. Aggregate the above facts gives researchers the right to point out that both descents are of man-made origin. And this is another point in the piggy bank versions of the existence of early technologically advanced civilizations.

A river flows under the slope in Utah.

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