30 real masterpieces from knitting lovers (31 photos)

27 March 2023

Knitting allows needleworkers to not only express themselves creatively, but also to do at the same time a really useful thing, which is exactly useful in business. And you can also catch compliments from a bunch strangers by sharing their masterpiece on the Internet - for example, in Subreddit r/crochet.

1. "My gift to my grandson for Christmas"

2. "I tied 120 bees"

3. "Finally finished a plaid in the form of a notebook sheet!"

4. Sun umbrella

5. "The haunted house is ready!"

6. "I tied up this frog and couldn't help but take her to the beach"

7. "Usually I show my finished products to my dad, but he died a few months ago and this is the first thing I've finished since he was gone"

8. "Finished this two-piece set and am happy with the result"

9. "Small lavender crocheted 0.6 mm from cotton thread No. 80"

10. "I think I forgot what a normal human head looks like"

11. "Finally finished the Persian pattern plaid"

12. "Just finished a new blanket"

13. "Knitted this dinosaur as a birthday present for my 8 year old nephew"

14. "I'm knitting chair leg covers in the form of cat paws now and I'm just dying how cute they are"

15. "I have a big family, and this year I had to save, so I tied each animal according to their Chinese zodiac sign

16. "I quit smoking, but now I'm hooked on knitting hats."

17. "The cats have already accepted her into their clan"

18. "Mom knitted 48 blankets this year and donated them to sick children"

19. “I didn’t like the yarn, I decided that I would rather knit a blanket for a cat”

20. "I wanted to hang something over the fireplace, but I don't hunt"

21. "This blanket broke my brain"

22. "After the accident in 1999, I was left disabled and chained to bed. Knitting is my only hobby, I learned it recently at YouTube. Here is my latest blouse

23. "I'm done. I can't believe I'm done"

24. "My first backlit knit"

25. "My crochet dragon scale mittens, I love how it turned outgradient"

26. "Finally finished my 'plaid of potential frustration'. It took 2 years!"

27. "Finished a frog sweatshirt for my boyfriend!"

28. "My contribution to the competition for the most stupid product"

29. "Insanely glad I finished this skirt!"

30. "Done!"

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