A giant toad was caught in Australia (6 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
22 January 2023

Giant toad found in Queensland, Australia sizes. This hulk weighs 2.7 kg and is currently considered one of the worst pests in Australia.

This giant toad was discovered in the north of Australia state of Queensland. It turned out that this lady belongs to the species of toad-yeah, and her weight - as much as 2.7 kg. Wildlife researchers from a local science center found her on one of the hiking trails in Conway National Park. First they did not believe their eyes.

"I honestly couldn't believe what I was seeing. Never seen before similar toads. When I approached her, she stirred, and I immediately called her leaders," said an employee of the scientific center. Now it may be the biggest toad ever. According to the Guinness Book of Records, in 1991 the heaviest toad in the world weighed 2.65 kilograms.

According to scientists, a toad of this size can eat anything that will fit in her mouth - including insects, reptiles and small mammals. Also, this toad is a female, as they can grow twice the size of males. She was given a funny nickname "Zhabzilla".

Initially, this species of toad was brought to Australia from Hawaii in 1935. Then the researchers thought that the toads could destroy the beetles that ate in that time the sugarcane crops. But in the end they became pests - due to poisonous glands in the body, they began to poison predators, which tried to eat them.

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