Doppelganger schoolteacher: the story of the ghostly double of Emily Seiji, who never received a rebuttal (6 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 16
17 March 2023

The word doppelgänger comes from the German "double", and Literally "coming twice". But the dear person referred to in this stories, a kind of multi-station.

This incident was described in 1860 in the book "Steps on the border another world "famous public and political figure Robert Dale-Owen, who in the second half of his life was actively interested in spiritualism and everything connected with it. Other confirmations, as well as denials, No.

The story was told to him by Julia von Guldenstubbe - an aristocrat who once studied at the elite school Pensionat von Neuwelcke (located on the territory of modern Latvia).

Despite the snobbery and arrogance that prevails among the elite, this teacher, 32-year-old Emily Seiji, was loved by the students. enjoyed a young woman respected and among colleagues thanks to patience, restraint, kindness and obvious pedagogical talent.

The children began to notice that strange things were happening to Emily. At a distance of several meters from the teacher, her ghostly double and completely repeated her movements: straightened her hair, wrote on blackboard, looking out the window.

The principal of the school, Mr. Bach, was taken aback by the avalanche of complaints about Miss Seiji's ghostly twin. First, the head of the educational institution drew attention to them. Then he considered it a fit of mass hysteria. After all girls at all times girls, regardless of wealth and nobility. Remarkably, neither Emily herself nor the double's colleagues saw. Only students.

Once the presence of a doppelganger was immediately confirmed 42 students - the whole class present at the needlework lesson. teacher gave the girls a task and went out into the garden to pick flowers for a bouquet. Pupils with open mouths froze, watching how translucent Miss Seiji's look-alike appeared in the classroom, sat down in a chair and calmly watched from windows behind the original cutting flowers.

The panic began. Impressive schoolgirls screaming and tears began to leave the classroom. But there were also brave girls who dared to approach and touch the woman in the chair. Hand passed through the body as through mist or air. The creature was incorporeal. But at the same time, they felt little resistance. Like it was a touch fluff or cobwebs.

When Emily entered the classroom, the ghost disappeared. Panic already the director could not ignore a whole class of alarmed girls. Moreover, the parents threatened to take their daughters from the “ghostly” school. A it threatened financial ruin.

He had to fire Emily. By the way, it turned out that the institution has become 19 places of work over the past 14 years. If consider positive characteristics of children and colleagues, it is unlikely that a woman changed jobs almost every year due to incompetence or unprofessional. Probably she herself is her twin really I didn't see it, but the kids obviously saw it. And that scared them a lot.

If we ignore the devilry, then such an ability would make life easier for modern educators. After all, it's great to go out from the office and take a break, drinking tea or just sit for 5 minutes in inaction. Whereas your doppelgänger keeps order. After the layoffs, traces of Emily were lost.

As for the doppelganger, he was considered the dark side human personality and a harbinger of imminent death. Although in the case of Seiji, she quietly existed with the illusion of herself for so many years and was not going to die.

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