The investigation into the disappearance of the English singer has become an important milestone in the development of forensics (10 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 16
6 March 2023

It seems that the actresses are windy and fickle ladies, and in in an effort to nurture emotions, they can commit various rash and illogical actions. For example, running away from home without warning anyone.

So said in 1910 an Englishman named Nash, who came to the police station to report a missing person. Cora Crippen, known to the public under the pseudonyms Cora Turner or Bel Elmore, yesterday she received him as a guest. And then suddenly disappeared. A few days later, Nash received a letter from Cora in which she explained the disappearance by a forced departure to the States. And everything would be fine, but almost immediately after the disappearance to the house where she lived with her husband, the latter's mistress, young Ethel, moved in.

Cora Crippen

When the police questioned the man, he said that wife died. But then why did he tell his friends and family that Cora had left? AND this is a strange letter addressed to a friend - how could she write it deceased?

Howley Crippen

The husband of the missing woman was a famous and popular dentist and homeopath Mr. Hawley Crippen. Their disagreements in versions for loved ones and he explained to the police that he and his wife actually were to each other strangers. Since the wife gave all her strength to her career, she dreamed of becoming famous singer.

Things were not going well, and in search of protection she addressed the fans. One of them is a certain wealthy American and promised to promote the enterprising beauty. Without thinking, she I dropped everything and went with him to the States. Recognize this state of affairs the environment didn't want to, so Hawley lied. Shaky version, but in life anything happens. However, the next day the man, like his mistress Ethel Le Neve, disappeared.

The house where the couple lived

The policemen carefully searched the house. And found in the basement behind the masonry are fragments of the human body. They were so small that it was difficult to identify even gender and age, not to mention personality. Intuitively leading the investigation, Chief Inspector Dew knew it was Cora. But premonitions cannot be sewn to the cause, we need proof.

Called to the scene of a possible crime scene Pathologist Augustus Joseph Pepper found two important evidence: a piece of shirt and part of a scar on the skin. The fabric was identified as missing shirt, and the second piece of evidence was a real gift that decided the outcome of the case. The specialist proved that the skin was the lower part of the abdomen, and the scar is a consequence of the operation. And the missing woman had gynecological surgery in the past, after which similar scars. Pepper was able to prove the presence of poison in the tissues. The puzzle has come together: a talented homeopath, a boring wife, a wonderful mistress.

Hawley and Ethel in court

Photos of the criminals were handed over to the borders. The signal came from captain of a ship bound for Canada. The sailor had a trained eye, and the behavior of one passenger - a guy who was serving with his father, seemed too feminine to him. Even at the table was created the feeling that the couple is flirting: promising looks, non-random touches, not at all related kisses.

Leave a couple third class, no one would pay attention to their attention behavior. But they chose to travel comfortably in first. The passengers dined in full view of the captain, and he noted a strange behavior.

Ethel after arrest


They were arrested and the perpetrators were brought to justice. Protection was based on the fact that the scar could have a different nature. Therefore, it is not a fact that the remains belong to Kora. But the fact that he is postoperative, confirmed another prominent expert of his time, Bernard Spilsbury. The homeopath went to the gallows, asking only about one favor - to put a photo of his beloved in it in the coffin.

But for the false son, everything turned out not so badly. After removal charges Ethel left the country, worked for several years inCanada typist. And when she returned to London, she married and gave birth to two sons. And she calmly went into another world in 1967, the last of all who was related to the iconic case.

The process was covered in the press and received a response in society. The people discussed escaping with disguise, love that forced to go on crime. If we abstract from romance, then the case of the death of Cora played an important role in the development of forensic science and made it possible to understand that to solve a crime, sometimes quite imperceptible at first glance, but a very important detail.

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