The Russian teacher marked the student at the lesson of financial literacy

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
28 February 2023

He did not like the long hair and cocky mannerisms of the guy - and the battle began.

Sergei Okopsky - teacher of the cadet classes of the Moscow school No. 2031. He had a conflict with one of his students. According to one version, he did not like the appearance of the guy and he told him to move to the back desk. When he did not listen, he took his backpack and threw it out the door. The long-haired man went out to get his things, and then sat back in his seat.

This is where the fight took place.

The comrade major grabbed the teenager under the armpits and dragged him out of the classroom. In the corridor, he sat down on the guy and gave him “bream”.

After the fight, the guy began to bleed, he was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. Later, a nose and head injury was diagnosed. And the teenager's class teacher said that "the student is to blame himself, as he brought the teacher." A classmate shared that the boy had a conflict with this teacher before.

After the incident, Okopsky was fired, and the school administration is establishing all the circumstances of the incident.

“On February 27, during a lesson in the eighth grade, one of the students violated discipline and did not respond to the teacher's remarks. As a result, the teacher could not restrain himself and, using brute force, drove the boy out of the office.

The school administration is currently investigating. The employment relationship with the teacher was terminated.

We are in touch with the boy's parents, the student feels fine, he did not need medical assistance.

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