I'm sorry I came in: In St. Petersburg, a pawnshop robber took pity on a bursting employee and left without taking anything

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
2 January 2023
Women's tears are a powerful weapon! Even a robber will be stopped.

In St. Petersburg, a surveillance camera recorded an unusual dialogue between a robber and a pawnshop employee. The man came to profit, and began to communicate with threats, but when he saw the condition of the cashier, he became emotional and began to persuade the girl not to cry and not to be afraid.

Threatening with a supposedly real grenade, the visitor explains that he needs the money to save his sick mother. But noticing that the flow of tears does not stop, the man finally loses his fuse.

"Okay, I'm cleaning up. <…> I don't want to upset you. I won't offend, okay? If you promise not to press the button. I treat you with understanding. With the coming of you, celebrate with your loved ones, - the raider retreats, awkwardly adding: - Please don't cry. I can stay with you, ”he tries to calm the girl.

Now the sentimental raider is wanted by the police. I wonder if the culture of the robber's behavior can become a mitigating circumstance in the criminal case initiated against him?
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