A selection of amusing photos that open the world from an unexpected side (23 photos)

Category: PEGI 16, Nature
12 January 2023

If you want to know what the pupil of a cuttlefish looks like, ball a pen under a microscope, a sperm whale penis and other non-trivial things, you here! This small photo collection will delight those who love to learn something new every day.

1. First class suite on the Titanic in all its glory

2. Some German bars have special sinks for those who feel sick.

3. This is what cigarette smoke does to walls

4. Requirements for hiring flight attendants for the American airline Trans World Airlines in the 1940s

Age - from 21 to 26, height - from 157 to 167 cm, weight - from 45 to 59 kg, education - a year of college or a diploma in nursing. Applicants must be unmarried and have good eyesight.

5. A student can drive a cement truck or other giant truck

6. This is what Charlie Chaplin looked like in his youth

7. Not at all like his image, which the whole world knows

8. Just in case, this is what Charlie Chaplin looked like at the age of 80

9 Michelangelo's "David" turns out to be a real giant

10. There is a device called the VeinViewer that shows doctors and nurses where a patient's veins are.

11 Cuttlefish Have W-Shaped Pupils

12. This is a 2.7mm Hummingbird, the smallest pistol in the world.

13. This is one of the few surviving photographs of Vincent van Gogh, here he is 20 years old.

14. A rainbow can also appear at night. Such a rainbow is called a moon

15. There is garlic, consisting entirely of one clove

16. This is what a line drawn with a red pencil on a piece of paper looks like under a microscope

17. PlayStation 5 controller has tiny PlayStation buttons everywhere

18. The man on the left, Muggsy Bogues, has been in the NBA almost twice as long as the man on the right, Yao Ming.

19. This is what a 100-sided die looks like

20. Wrenches can be very, very large.

21. This is what a ballpoint pen looks like under an electron microscope

22. And finally. If you wanted to know what a sperm whale penis looks like, but were afraid to ask

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