russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for November 7

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
8 November 2022

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Fat catch today at the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Svatovo region

- In Sochi, three people died during the collapse of a balcony in a multi-storey building. Residents of the building were not evacuated

Later, local authorities found an elegant way to solve the problem of the emergency condition of houses: instead of evacuating and repairing, residents were simply forbidden to go out onto the balconies

- Be sure to restore! And the name of this restoration will be REPARATIONS!

- The Russian ship is going to hell: Russian ships from Vladivostok, which were supposed to shell Ukraine, did not enter the Black Sea due to the Turkish ban.

Since February 2, Rusnya has been waiting for permission from Ankara to cross the Bosphorus, but has not received the go-ahead. As a result, on November 6, the missile cruiser of the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Federation Varyag (011) and the large anti-submarine ship Admiral Tributs (564) began to return to their home base.

- Kyiv's threats to resume the nuclear program became one of the reasons for the "SVO", — Medvedev has already taken on his chest and vomited the next nonsense of an alcoholic.

- Rusny has specific problems with ammunition. But she ordered them from Iran, and after receiving them, she will be able to double (!) Her missile attacks on the territory of Ukraine, — said ( the representative of the GUR Skibitsky.

Russia has only 120 Iskanders and 40 Kinzhals left, but our intelligence is aware of Russia's plans to acquire Fateh-110 and Zolfaghar ballistic missiles from Iran and deliver them by air to the Crimea and by sea to Russian ports on the Caspian coast.

- The empire is covered: strategically important enterprises associated with Kolomoisky, Zhevago, Boguslaev and Grigorishin become the property of the state.

According to media reports, yesterday the National Commission for Securities and the Stock Market made a decision on the forced alienation of the shares of Ukrnafta, Ukrtatnafta, Motor Sich, AvtoKrAZ and Zaporizhtransformator into state ownership.

- NASAMS and Aspide air defense systems arrived in Ukraine, — Reznikov.

- Rashka can intensify strikes against critical infrastructure in the autumn-winter period, — said the speaker of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Yuriy Ignat. This is due, first of all, to the lack of success at the front.

- Indonesian President Widodo believes that Putin will not attend the G20 summit, which will be held on November 15-16 in Bali.

- Dry rations from the orcs now went like this

- Since when has Prigozhin been commenting on American elections?

- #losses of invaders as of 07.11

+ 530 dead RF Armed Forces:

Senior Lieutenant Muradov

member of the group "Olkhona" Rednikov Alexander "13th" fought in the Donbass back in 2015. He was successfully demobilized on 11/05/22 in Kostroma, where he arrived for treatment for a wound in a fire in the Polygon club.

contract worker Fyodor Vanyukov from Sochi with a bullet in his head decided to quit for health reasons. But the motherland said no and was sent back to Ukraine. Where he successfully demobilized.

Captain Alexander Osokin successfully demobilized.

lieutenant (major UFSIN) Radnaev Vladimir.

- Turkey will propose to extend the "product deal" for a year, — Ministry of Defense of Turkey.

- Ukraine has started building a new "Mriya". The new aircraft "An-225" already 30 percent ready, said the general director of the Antonov enterprise. Evgeny Gavrilov.

Work on the restoration of the world's largest cargo aircraft destroyed during the attack on Gostomel is being carried out in a secret place.

- A minute of comparisons: guess from the first time where the commander of the SOF of Belarus, Major General Vadim Ivanovich Denisenko, is in the photo, and where is the commander of the SOF of Ukraine, Brigadier General Viktor Aleksandrovich Khorenko.

- Rashists concentrated a large number of swimming facilities near the temporarily occupied Kherson.

Satellite images show that over the past two weeks the occupiers have accumulated a significantly larger number of watercraft, which they can later use to transfer manpower to the right bank of the Dnieper.

- Let's play hide and seek with you

But no, we won't play a campaign

- In Moscow, a mother threw a one-year-old child out of a window on the 11th floor. The child survived.

A pile of rubbish was found in the apartment where the woman lived. Investigators are now investigating the motive...

- «Mriyu» will have to wait: in the Antonov State Enterprise clarified that design work is currently underway, and only 30% of the components are available for the construction of the aircraft. The total cost of construction – approximately €500 million

The secret place, however, was never revealed.

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