russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for November 1

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
2 November 2022

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- From mobilization to the cemetery, on average, you can get in 13 days

- In the Novosibirsk region, such leaflets began to appear on doors, cars and entrances

- In Berdyansk, the "First Deputy Mayor for Foreign Policy and Mass Communications" was blown up; Pavel Ischuk

This will always happen with collaborators and occupiers. Exodus is inevitable!

- In Yamal, schoolchildren sew uniforms for servicemen after school

Pupils of 6-10 grades of school No. 3 of the city of Labytnangi were forced to sew balaclavas and warm jackets for combatants in Ukraine.

Exploitation of child labor? Involving children in politics? No, haven't heard

- There will be a trickle!

- Short study: Medvedev, bottle and nuclear threats

- Cruiser «Moskva» sends greetings!

What next? Will the Kremlin ask for help from peacekeepers to protect the Russian army?

It was a brief digression on how to humiliate the Black Sea Fleet with one sentence

- #loss of invaders as of 01.11

+ 650 dead RF Armed Forces:

Colonel Andrey Bespalov

Senior Lieutenant Vladimir Babyuk

Major, pilot Alexander Koronchik

- As a result of the shelling of Nikolaev, a woman was killed, the mayor of the city reports. Rusnya fired at the city with S-300 missiles, flew at civilian targets. An educational institution, a two-story residential building, houses were destroyed, and windows were shattered.

- Ramzan Kadyrov announced the continuation of mobilization measures in Chechnya, in the near future summonses will be distributed there.

- Gave light after turning off? Do not rush to rejoice! You can be left without electricity again. Keep useful infographics on how not to mess up and properly turn on household appliances after a blackout.

- The EU is ready to supply Ukraine with electricity in case of its shortage as a result of Russian shelling, said European Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson, who is visiting Kyiv today.

- Finland and Sweden do not plan to abandon the deployment of NATO nuclear weapons outs-on-nuclear-weapons?srnd=premium-europe&leadSource=uverify%20wall) Bloomberg.

Putin AGAIN outplayed everyone!

- Raska damaged about 40% of the entire energy infrastructure of Ukraine, President Vladimir Zelensky said (

- Iran, which has been repulsed tightly, plans to send more than 200 combat drones to Erefia in early November. It is reported by the GUR. Mopeds Shahed-136, Mohajer-6 and Arash-2 in a disassembled state will send Caspthe Iysk Sea to Astrakhan. In Russia they will be assembled and repainted. If we successfully bring down the first two models of balalaikas, then we still have to tinker with Arash-2.

- Well, this is progress, of course. Breakthrough, you might say.

- Another war in the future? North Korea launched at least 10 missiles towards the Japanese and Yellow Seas.

Japan Protested to North Korea, South Korea Increased Level of Combat Readiness. Seoul said this is the first time a North Korean missile has landed so close to its territorial waters. In response, South Korea fired three missiles north of the border line with North Korea.

- NATO soldiers committed sabotage and pissed off the Dota 2 logo at the entrance of the Artyomugol plant in the Donetsk region.

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