Fire show. The police chase for the motorcyclist is over

23 October 2022
The usual pursuit of the intruder did not go according to plan at all.

Arkansas State Police officers became interested in a motorcyclist who rushed past them at too high a speed in Little Rock. The officers decided to catch up with the hasty man and ask why he was so late. The clock was 1:30 am. An hour later, the patrol realized that it was impossible to catch up with the reckless driver on their own, and asked for help. It was only in the morning that the violator was driven to a wasteland, where, having abandoned his bike, he tried to escape from his pursuers, but fortune was clearly not on his side.

The report indicates that the stun gun pierced the gas cylinder, which was in the backpack of the motorcyclist. It was he who caused the fire.

Before the arrival of the ambulance, the flames were extinguished, the racer with numerous burns was taken to the hospital. Now the police are waiting for the violator to recover and answer where he was in such a hurry.

In the meantime, he is charged with refusing to obey, escaping from custody, dangerous driving and driving with an expired license.
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