russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for Semtember 21-22

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
23 September 2023

In the early morning of February 24, 2022, Russia launched missile attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct, full-scale invasion. The Ukrainian Armed Forces repel the enemy

- Belgium says it is studying the possibility of transferring F-16s to Ukraine.

- Piotr Müller, State Secretary of the Office of the Prime Minister of Poland:

The Polish authorities supply Ukraine only with weapons agreed upon in advance.

- President of South Korea Yoon Seok Yeol:

South Korea and its allies “will not stand aside” if the DPRK receives help from Russia.

- One of those killed after the shelling of the peacekeepers’ car in Karabakh was the deputy commander of the Russian peacekeeping contingent in Karabakh, Ivan Kovgan, who was also the deputy commander of the submarine forces of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Federation.

Meanwhile, Azerbaijani President Aliyev “apologized and expressed deep condolences” in connection with the tragic death of Russian peacekeeping troops in Karabakh.

- Ukraine has requested F-35 fighter jets from the United States.

Ukrainian Air Force representative Ignat:

Ukraine would like to receive fifth-generation F-35 fighters from the United States in the future, as well as new generation fighters from Sweden, which are currently under development.

- Ukrainian StratCom claims that the Russian airbase Saki (Saki) in Crimea was subjected to a combined attack on the evening of September 20.

The base was hit earlier, in August 2022.

- Syrian President Bashar al-Assad arrived in China today for a bilateral summit on his first visit since civil war broke out in Syria 12 years ago.

- Bloomberg, citing a source in the Polish government:

The words of Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki that Warsaw will no longer supply weapons to Ukraine were misinterpreted and misunderstood.

- Zelensky, Duda and Nauseda met in New York and discussed the grain crisis.

The President of Lithuania said that differences between the two countries will be resolved as soon as possible.

He also discussed with the presidents of Ukraine and Poland the issues of facilitating the transportation of grain through Poland and increasing transit through Lithuania in order to reduce pressure.

- Sweden transferred 10 Stridsvagn 122 tanks (Swedish version of Leopard 2) to Ukraine.

- Before the autumn-winter clashes, Russian troops damage roads on the front line to complicate the delivery of personnel, equipment and ammunition to the line of combat contact.

- Ukraine does not need French Mirage 2000 fighters, since they are outdated, said an adviser to the Ukrainian Air Force command.

- A very strong explosion was recorded in Sevastopol on September 21


- Schrödinger's Taurus

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said that Germany did not refuse Ukraine's request to provide Taurus long-range cruise missiles, but all the necessary procedures for approving the decision have not yet been completed.

- British King Charles in France:

Together mWe are unshakable in our determination that Ukraine will win and our cherished freedoms will triumph.

- Polish President Andrzej Duda is ready to meet with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, “as soon as the opportunity arises.”

When asked by a Polish journalist whether he still considers Zelensky his friend, Duda replied: “Of course.”

He stressed that “there is no need to raise the level of emotions, since this is a dispute that concerns a very small segment of Ukrainian-Polish relations.”

- President of Poland Andrzej Duda:

The Polish authorities do not intend to transfer to Ukraine the modern weapons they are purchasing for the Polish army.

We cannot transfer our new weapons, which we are now buying for billions for the Polish army, to strengthen it, to strengthen the security of Poland, to someone else. To someone else.

We will not transfer these weapons because we are purchasing them to modernize the Polish army.

Personally, I will be the first to oppose the transfer of these new weapons that we are now receiving from South Korea or the United States, such as the new Abrams, Patriot and other systems. or HIMARS.

- Zelensky:

We are de-occupying Bakhmut. I think that we will de-occupy two more cities.

I won't tell you which cities, sorry. So we have a plan. A very, very detailed plan.

- Powerful explosions recorded in Sevastopol on September 22

A missile strike hit the headquarters of the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol.

«Hole» appeared at the headquarters of the Russian Black Sea Fleet after a missile attack on Sevastopol.

According to local residents, the blast wave was “crazy.”

The Russian Ministry of Defense says that as a result of a missile attack on Sevastopol, one serviceman was killed, and the headquarters building of the Black Sea Fleet was damaged.

- Russia plans to sharply increase military spending in 2024 — up to 6% of GDP versus 3.9% in 2023.

Meanwhile, this year the Ukrainian authorities will allocate a total of $54.6 billion for military needs.

- The headquarters of the Russian Black Sea Fleet continues to burn in Sevastopol.

Several floors are destroyed, the damage is serious.

- Washington Post:

The Biden administration is close to a decision to provide Ukraine with a version of the ATACMS long-range missile armed with cluster bombs rather than a single warhead.

The ATACMS cluster system, with a range of 45 to 190 miles, depending on the version chosen, could allow Ukraine to strike command posts, ammunition depots and logistics routes far behind the front lines and entrenched Russian defenses.

Ukraine, with the support of a number of American lawmakers, has been asking for ATACMS, which stands for Army Tactical Missile System, since last year.

Ukraine has requested hundreds of missiles.

Versions of ATACMS with cluster weapons are more numerous than versions with single or “unitary” weapons. warhead, and are no longer considered a cutting-edge US weapon.

Of an estimated initial production of 2,500 units, some of which were produced in the early 1990s, an unknown number were later converted to unitary warheads.

According to a 2022 Army publication, the various cluster-weapon versions of ATACMS contain between 300 and 950 individual bombs.

- A very powerful explosion was recorded at the Sevastopol Thermal Power Plant


Biden informed Zelensky that the US will send a small number of missiles to Ukrainelong range ATACMS.

- The Czech Republic is negotiating with Sweden about the possibility of training Ukrainian pilots on JAS-39 Gripen fighters on its territory.

- Bloomberg:

The White House is considering increasing the number of ATACMS in the future after supplying a small number of ATACMS to Ukraine.

- The moment when Ukrainian Storm Shadow missiles hit the Black Sea Fleet headquarters in Sevastopol. September 22nd

A few minutes earlier, on September 22, a Ukrainian Storm Shadow missile hit the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol.

- Prime Minister of Poland Morawiecki:

I want to tell President Zelensky to never again insult the Poles, as he did recently during his speech at the UN. The Poles will not allow this.

And protection of the Polish good name – This is not only my duty and honor, this is the most important task of the government of the republic.

In the current geopolitical context, we will defend all our arguments.

- Consequences of falling fragments in the Darnitsky district of Kyiv, September 21.

Currently there are already 5 victims. Three (including a 9-year-old girl) were hospitalized.

And here are the consequences of the missile attack on Cherkassy.

As a result of falling debris, in particular, a social infrastructure facility was damaged – OAV. There are currently five casualties. At least one person is trapped under the rubble.

Another massive Russian strike on Ukraine: what is known about the consequences?

▪️Kiev region. More than 20 hostile targets destroyed. Falling debris in several areas. There is destruction, fire. There are already 7 casualties.

▪️Kharkov region. Six arrivals to the regional center in Slobodsky district. There are 2 known casualties.

▪️Lviv region. Explosions in Drohobych district. All relevant services went to the scene of the incident.

▪️Rivne region. Emergency blackout in the regional center. There are arrivals of enemy missiles, – OVA.

▪️Cherkasy region. There is a hit to a social infrastructure facility in the regional center as a result of a Russian missile being shot down. There are currently 5 casualties.

▪️Kherson region. As a result of the night shelling of Kherson, two people were killed and five were injured.

▪️Khmelnitsky region, Vinnytsia, Ivano-Frankivsk region. Air defense was working.

- Large-scale attack on the Russian military airfield "Saki" in acting Crimea was inflicted by the SBU and the Navy at night.

Our sources: at the airfield there were at least 12 combat aircraft (Su-24 and Su-30) and Pantsir MANPADS. There – training base for UAV operators Mojaher. The enemy's equipment was seriously damaged.

For the defeat, ours used UAVs, which overloaded the Russian air defense, then launched Neptune missiles. The Russians write about at least 30 military deaths.

- Parliament adopted a revised version of the bill on financial monitoring of politically exposed persons, – People's Deputy Zheleznyak.

The once pep-forever pep principle is returned. A registry of PEPs is also being created. This is the final condition for opening membership negotiations with the EU.

This law provides for financial monitoring of public figures, which include deputies, ministers, judges of the Supreme Court, members of the High Council of Justice and the Supreme Court of Justice. Their checks will be carried out after dismissal from positions for life.

- Searches are underway at the Ministry of Defense official who profited from products for the military – UP.

The head of the food supply department, Alexander Kozlovsky, together with his wife and her parents, created several enterprises through which they supplied food to the military at inflated prices

- The Ukrainian Armed Forces are already operating behind the last line of Russian defense in Zaporozhskoh area, - ISW.

Our armored vehicles have advanced south of the Russian. anti-tank ditches and “dragon’s teeth”, and entered the battle west of Verbovoy. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are using it for the first time outside of Russia’s three-layer defense.

This indicates that we have ensured a breakthrough in the first two lines of Russian defense enough to push our equipment forward. But it is too early to say that the last line has been completely broken.

- Russia has been striking energy infrastructure and substations for two weeks now – Shmigal.

"The winter will be difficult, certainly not easier, but we are definitely better prepared for it, because we understand what the enemy is preparing for and what threats and challenges we all face."

- And here is the map of today's bavna in Crimea.

Publish her russian public pages. It was hot not only in Sevastopol

- Russian gamers are furious again

I think he will be shocked when he finds out that cdpr is Poles

Right now they will realize that the second symbol is the coat of arms of the Crimean Tatars and will be torn again.

- Denis Slyusarev was mobilized from Minusinsk on September 26, 2022. At the time of mobilization, he had two children, and during his service a third son was born, whom he never saw. His wife tried all year to bring her husband home, but appeals to the Ministry of Defense, Putin’s reception office, did not yield any results.

So you had to beg for Putin on your knees in the reception

- Are theses familiar? Anti-war protests, USA 1940

History teaches that it teaches nothing.

- Export schedule of European countries to Kyrgyzstan

It’s the same with exports from it: famous Kyrgyz goods have finally received global recognition.

Kyrgyz re-exporters are now earning big money by transporting gray imports to Russia. Why Europe has not yet closed this shop is unclear. Everyone knows very well that Kyrgyzstan is helping Russia circumvent sanctions.

The question is rhetorical, of course. But the main sanctions are imposed by the Americans, and their trade volume with Kyrgyzstan is generally ridiculous. They could impose sanctions on the same banks, it’s not difficult.

- Two Minutes of Hate

- Meme

- A court in Yekaterinburg sentenced Kirov activist Richard Rose to 8 years in prison for reposting a video about Butch and commenting on the murder of Putin

The Central District Military Court in Yekaterinburg found Rose guilty of distributing “fake news” about the army based on hatred and about the justification of terrorism on the Internet, SOTAvision reports. The activist was also given a 4-year ban on publishing on the Internet.

Richard Rose and his wife Maria were detained on April 14 in Kirov and charged with “fakes.” about the army for reposting a video about the events in the Ukrainian Bucha. Later, “incitement to terrorism” was added to this charge against Rose. for a comment on Instagram: “The only way to stop this – kill Putin."

Rose previously reported threats of physical harm in the pre-trial detention center. Richard's wife and child left the Russian Federation.

- Zaporozhye Cossacks write a letter to the Sultan (Photo by Emeric Lhuisset)

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