russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for July 31 and August 1

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
2 August 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- New Ukrainian kamikaze UAV: Rubak

The UAV has been successfully used to strike the Russian military, has a range of 500 km and costs 550,000 hryvnia ($15,000) with a claimed 3-5 kg warhead.

- New Ukrainian ammunition for drones

- Chongarsky railway bridge at 5 am on July 29 after the Ukrainian attack.

- China is imposing export controls on some drone-related equipment from September 1st to protect national security.

Without a special permit, it will be prohibited to export engines for UAVs with a power higher than 16 kW.

- The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has concluded an agreement with the Turkish company BAYKAR on the establishment of a service center for the repair and maintenance of UAVs.

- The wreckage of the Russian short-range anti-aircraft missile system TOR-M2DT Arktika, destroyed by a Ukrainian HIMARS strike back in February near Peschany, Kherson region.

- Serbian-made 120-mm M62P10 mortars used by Ukrainian troops

- The Hungarian parliament once again postponed the ratification of Sweden's membership in NATO.

Deputies of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban Boycotted an Extraordinary Meeting of Parliament, at which opposition parties called for ratification of Sweden's membership in NATO.

- French FM Column:

France is not preparing military intervention in Niger and counts on the restoration of constitutional order.

It's a lie.

Our only priority is to ensure the safety of our fellow citizens.

- Burkina Faso and Mali declare that any military intervention against Niger will be tantamount to declaring war on them.

They also said that any military intervention against Niger would force them to withdraw from the Economic Community of West African Countries (ECOWAS).

And Guinea became the first country to openly support the new authorities in Niger, saying that it is counting on guarantees of stability and harmony.


Ukraine produces 8000 shells a day.

The US is working to increase the supply of shells and increase production to 90,000 shells per month by fiscal year 2025, up from 24,000 now and 14,000 before the invasion.

- Indonesia bought 12 new ANKA UAVs from Turkish Aerospace worth $300 million.

- People's Deputy of Ukraine Oleksiy Goncharenko:

Minister of Defense of Ukraine Oleksiy Reznikov may be appointed Ambassador to the UK, and Head of the Main Intelligence Directorate Budanov may take his place.

- Politico:

Ukraine has a plan in case of Zelensky's death.

In the absence of Zelensky; Stefanchuk, Yermak, Kuleba and Reznikov can collectively lead the state.

Zaluzhny will remain in the post of commander-in-chief of the army.

- Russia will discuss the fight against terrorism with the Taliban.

- The French company Orano, which mines uranium in Niger, said Thursdayo will continue to work despite the evacuation of French citizens from the Niger.

- Sanction hole. Almost any sanctioned goods worth billions of dollars get into Russia. Investigation «Layout»

- Why did the Russian Federation need a coup in Niger: now the implementation of the Trans-Saharan Gas Pipeline (TSGP) gas pipeline project from Nigeria to Europe through Niger and Algeria will be postponed. Through this gas pipeline, the EU countries planned to receive 30 billion cubic meters of Nigerian gas per year

- The MP collected 10 million hryvnias for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but took all the money for himself

A deputy of one of the city councils of the Sumy region, under the guise of a charitable foundation, created several call centers. Their goals included "raising funds for the Armed Forces of Ukraine." Center workers called entrepreneurs and asked for help with the purchase of military equipment.

Ultimately, only half a percent of the collected amounts were transferred to ammunition — that is, only 50 thousand hryvnia. The rest was assigned. Now the deputy and his colleagues face up to 12 years in prison.

- Find of the year - Ukrainian kittens on the front line. There are 6 animals

- Briefly about the current Russian diplomacy

- Everything is clear: attack UAVs fly over Moscow in a depressed mood

- Online banking news

- Russian spring, but better in Germany.

- A doctor from Moscow left Russia after harassing Z-channels and threatening her and her family. She refused to chip in for a Russian military nurse

A doctor from Moscow Ekaterina Mikryukova in a house chat refused a request to "reduce whiskey consumption and dump on a nurse" to the Russian military, explaining that it was his choice, and "it was possible not to fight and stay healthy."

One of the chat participants, apparently, leaked a screenshot of the correspondence to Z-channels, after which Mikryukova’s personal data was published by the military telegram channel “Witnesses of Bayraktar”, Vice Speaker of the Moscow City Duma and Deputy Head of the Directorate of Information Programs of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Andrei Medvedev and Soloviev propagandist.

“Well, let's go, 300-400 messages a day, sms spam attacks, automatic calls. They started writing to my sisters, dad — I had all this open on VKontakte. I don't know who these people are, — Mikryukova told Mediazone.

Complaints were also received by the company where the doctor worked — she had to quit. After she and her family members began to receive threats, the girl decided to leave Russia.

- FSB: arrested in the case of "preparation for treason" A 24-year-old resident of Tolyatti published instructions for the military on surrendering to Ukrainian captivity

The FSB department for the Samara region has revealed the version of the prosecution against a resident of Tolyatti, who was arrested two weeks ago on a case of high treason. The press release was sent to the local editions of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Samara", and

On July 13, the Samara District Court sent 24-year-old Polina Yevtushenko to a pre-trial detention center on charges of preparing for treason (Part 1 of Article 30, Article 275 of the Criminal Code). The press release of the court then said that the girl "persuaded a resident of Samara to commit high treason"; — to join the Legion "Freedom of Russia".

The FSB in its release does not name the girl, but accompanies her with a photograph from the court with a blurred face. It shows hair in a similar blue-violet hue that Yevtushenko had in recent photos on Instagram.

The girl, according to the FSB, "persuaded the inhabitants of the region to join a terrorist organization" — "structural subdivision of the Armed Forces of Ukraine". The Legion "Freedom of Russia" fits this description. She, as the special service describes it, "carried out propaganda work", "postedpropaganda materials that create a positive image legion, and "instructions for Russian servicemen on surrender".

The Astra publication claimed, without disclosing the sources of its data, that, in addition to the case of state simmen, a case was also opened against a resident of Tolyatti on July 25 on incitement to terrorism (Part 2 of Article 205.2 of the Criminal Code) because of a post about the Legion "Freedom of Russia"; . The FSB does not mention this in the press release.

Yevtushenko has started Instagram in Ukrainian since October 2022. In a personal blog, the girl talked about her life, her little daughter, her gym classes and her drawings. She twice published photographs of banknotes of 1000, 5000 and 500 rubles, on which a link was written to the telegram channel of the Freedom of Russia legion. Also on the banknotes were the phrases "Peace to Ukraine", "Freedom to Russia", "Our taxes went to war" and "Z = swastika."

A few days after the start of mobilization in Russia in September 2022, Yevtushenko posted a screenshot with a link to the “I want to live” bot; in a telegram that accepted applications from Russian military personnel who wanted to surrender. The post also copied the text about the work of the bot, which was previously distributed by Ukrainian telegram channels. There are now two likes under Yevtushenko's post.

Source: Mediazon edition

- And there is nothing to add

- "I pretend that all this does not concern me": a series of anti-war banners appeared in the annexed Crimea

- Just a comment from YouTube

Pissed in the entrance, because if it weren't for me, NATO soldiers would have done it.

- Ukrainian media publish photos of a mother and her 10-year-old daughter who died from a Russian missile in Krivoy Rog.

- Russia spreads propaganda in video games and platforms popular among gamers. The New York Times writes about it.

The publication says that researchers have identified more than a dozen examples of the promotion of Russian messages in the games Minecraft, Roblox, World of Tanks and World of Warships, Fly Corp, Armored Warfare and War Thunder.

Thus, the battle for Soledar, captured by the Russian army, was reproduced in Minecraft. In World of Tanks, the Victory Parade of 1945 was recreated, and in Roblox, "MVD forces" in the guise of Lego men in the form of the Ministry of Internal Affairs marched on Russia Day, the newspaper notes.

“These games and related discussion sites such as Discord and Steam are becoming online platforms for Russian agitprop… In this virtual world, players have adopted the letter Z, the symbol of the Russian forces that invaded last year; he accepted Russia's legally plausible territorial claims in Crimea and elsewhere and echoed Putin's attempts to denigrate Ukrainians as Nazis and blame the West for the conflict. stated in the publication.

- Now everything is clear

- The first photo shows still quite happy children of modern Russia. At the second, their predecessors in the concentration camp in Mordovia exemplarily thank the previous great Russian leader

- How did the residents of Moscow City and those working there react to the attack of drones.

- Joke on topic

- These were the darkest days of his entire presidency

- Sniper rifle in the Russian army: Mosin Nagant wz. 1891/30 with a 3.5x PU sight. You can laugh at the fact that they use a rifle 100 years old, a veteran of both world wars

- the 2nd army of the world... In Ukraine, of course.

- A group of military men was detained in Sierra Leone on suspicion of preparing a "coup d'état".

- Belarusian helicopters in Poland?

Local residents reported that Belarusian combat helicopters (Mi-8MTV-5 and Mi-24) were seen today over the town of Belovezha near the Polish-Belarusian border.

Helicopters flew from Belarus to Poland near the village of Grudki, flew about three kilometers inland, turned around and flew over Belovezhya.

The Polish side officially denies the invasion, stating that the radar systems did not record violations of Polish airspace.

The Polish Ministry of Defense now claims that there really was a violation of Polish airspace by two Belarusian helicopters, stating that the Belarusian side had previously informed the Polish side about the exercises near the border.

The border crossing took place near Belovezha at a very low altitude, which makes it difficult to detect by radar systems. Therefore, Polish radar systems did not detect violations of Polish airspace.

In connection with the violation of the Polish airspace by two Belarusian helicopters, the Chargé d'Affaires of the Belarusian Embassy was urgently summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.

NATO was also informed.

- Doesn't this remind you of one wonderful game?

- An athlete from Ukraine Kateryna Sadurskaya set a world record for diving depth

During the Vertical Blue-2023 World Freediving Championship, Ekaterina Sadurskaya from Kharkov set a new world record in the CNF discipline (diving into water without fins). The 31-year-old girl descended to a depth of 76 meters (comparable to a 25-story building) without flippers and spent 3 minutes and 12 seconds underwater.

Such a discipline in freediving is considered the most difficult, say the organizers of the competition, as the diver descends and ascends vertically, using only his own muscle strength, and holds his breath for the entire period of the dive.

Source: Wonderzine

- Russia this morning shelled a medical facility in Kherson, killing a young doctor, a nurse was also seriously injured, for whose life our doctors are now fighting!

As a result of today's morning shelling of a hospital in Kherson, doctor Dmitry Bely was killed - today was his first working day

In Kherson, the Russian Federation shelled the city clinical hospital, reports the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

A young doctor, who had his first working day after his internship today, died, a nurse was injured. According to the department, 2 floors of the hospital were damaged.

- They begin to suspect something...

- Gifts for all first-graders in the occupied territories from the pro-Russian "Movement of the First"

- Still in the treasury of facts about the uselessness of the UN

- What are the goals

- In Russia, a pedophile abused four girls who were taken out of Ukraine. It happened in Anapa in a children's camp called "Happy Childhood"

- Taliban - recognized as a terrorist organization on the territory of the Russian Federation, it remains to recognize Russia as a terrorist organization on the territory of the Taliban. Terrorist peoples are brothers forever

- The talking head is more important than the son

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