russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for January 8

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
9 January 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Is it that Mikhalkov is already done or do we have to wait a little more?

- I wonder if happiness will start in March or will it arrive in January-February in a black package?

- "The Second Army of the World", which was defeated near Kherson and Kharkov, dreams of taking revenge in Cuba

- Retaliation operation

- Correspondence of Russians with their older relatives

- Tyson could have become a Nobel Peace Laureate

Here are the times, here are the morals

- The results of the Russian "retaliation operation" in Kramatorsk shocks even propagandists.

High-precision degenerates claimed about the alleged "liquidation" of 600 Ukrainian soldiers. In fact, the missiles did not even hit the empty buildings.

- #losses of invaders as of 08.01

🔻+ 430 dead of the RF Armed Forces over the past day:

▪️the head of the fire department, Major Andrey Shekhovtsov, was not retired, he received the rank of lieutenant of the RF Armed Forces. Well, then, traditionally, he was demobilized

▪️Lieutenant Kirill Tyutyunnikov

▪️Major Mikhail Shkroba

- Our traditional column: superpower news

- Russia is trying to build a new army model based on continuous mobilization, writes in his column in The Times ( -for-ukraines-western-tech-q86b8vsvj) Professor of Defense Studies at King's College London Michael Clark.

With Western weapons tipping the scales in favor of Ukraine on the battlefield, and the Armed Forces of Ukraine studying the NATO style of warfare, the leadership of the Russian army is trying to build new forces, probably based on almost continuous mobilization, which should be in place by spring prepared and equipped for the big offensive.

Besides, in order to improve efficiency in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, it will be necessary to overcome corruption and modernize logistics, which will be extremely difficult to do in a short time.

- A new escalation of hostilities may begin in February 2023, said (, NSDC Secretary Alexei Danilov.

He emphasized that the Kremlin is trying to draw Belarus into an open confrontation:

“Certain provocations are being made in this regard by the Russian special services. All this gives us reason to say that we can have such an aggravation, – added the secretary of the National Security and Defense Council.

- They sent “gifts” to Rusna: a train filled with the corpses of invaders arrived in the Kemerovo region, reports (

The refrigerator arrived on January 5 from Rostov-on-Don. What is left of the orcs is now trying to shove it into local morgues.

The exact number of black packets is not announced.

- The head of the European Parliament is in favor of providing Ukraine with Leopard tanks, reports ( Tagesschau.

Also, Roberta Metsola welcomed the plans announced by the German government to supply Ukraine with combatx Marder machines.

According to Metsola, it is important that Europe continues to support Ukrainians in political, humanitarian and military terms. But it is also important that Europe strengthens its own defense forces and becomes a "true defense alliance".

- Not a "truce": the Russian Federation did not launch massive strikes on Christmas because of the need for a pause, the speaker of OK "South" said Natalya Gumenyuk.

“This is not a “truce” at all, but the need for time, the invaders developed a new tactic. In particular, with the combined use of missiles, "Shahedov" and so on.

- Because of the cold snap, the intensity of fighting in eastern Ukraine may increase.

According to the data of the Hydrometeorological Center (, it is now about 14-16 degrees below zero. At the same time, until January 12, it will gradually warm up, but even then at night it will be frost to -9.

This means that the ground will freeze to move heavy equipment.

- Greece is ready to give way to Ukraine for the supply of German Marder infantry fighting vehicles -82468438.bildMobile.html? ) Bild.

Greece handed over 40 Soviet BMP-1s to Ukraine. As part of the "ring exchange" the country was to receive the same number of German Marder.

If necessary, Greece is ready to yield its turn to Ukraine so that the BMPs enter service with the Armed Forces of Ukraine as early as possible, since the defense capability of Greece will not suffer if the delivery of Marder is delayed.

- The Kremlin is losing the gas war with Europe: Europeans have learned how to save energy, writes ( BBC.

A mild winter combined with a conscious austerity regime played against Russia's plans to "freeze Europe".

Two leading industrial states of the EU saved less than others (minus 7-8%) – Germany and France, in particular due to falling output at French nuclear plants and German windmills.

Italy (-18%), the Netherlands (-16%) and Spain (-23%) almost kept the pace of getting rid of gas dependence in November, but the UK, which is not a member of the EU, performed the worst due to the peculiarities of the local energy market – a reduction of only 3%.

- The way Russia has worked to improve defenses shows that Katsap commanders are concerned about the possibility of large Ukrainian offensives in Luhansk and Zaporozhye regions, - British intelligence

The successful offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Zaporozhye region will destroy the "land bridge" between the Russian Federation and the occupied Crimea, and the advance of Ukrainian troops in the Luhansk region will further undermine the main goal of the Russians - the so-called "liberation of Donbass".

- Probably, since mid-February, Kyiv will not be afraid of a blackout, — Energy Research Center

According to Alexander Kharchenko, Director of the Energy Research Center, a plan is being implemented now, according to which the capital will be able to avoid total power outages.

"Further on, this “umbrella” will expand to other large cities, so that the threat of a blackout is not terrible."

- Russia should face a special tribunal for aggression in Ukraine, writes The Guardian ( party leaders).

Representatives of various British political circles supported the creation of a special tribunal to investigate the actions of the Russian Federation in connection with the crime of aggression against Ukraine.

The Tribunal, in their opinion, should be established on the same principles that guided the Allies when they met in 1941 to lay the foundation for the Nuremberg trials of Nazi leaders.

- "The tanks don't work, and the commander is a drunken pyromaniac": Forbes journalist ( -dont-work-and-the-commander-is-a-drunk-pyromaniac/?sh=c16894b3c3f0) mocked the deplorable state of the Russian army.

The column refers to the tank battalion of the 2nd motorized rifle division, whose equipment is not working, but has recently successfully passed the general check.

The publication also reports that the battalion commander, Major Rasim Tagiyev, was taken prisoner at the beginning of the war and spent four months in captivity in Ukraine, and when he returned to his division, he began to drink and already set the battalion headquarters on fire twice.

The journalist concludes that the Russian army lacks combat strength to make a serious second attempt to capture Kyiv, which has been much talked about lately.

- Russia's attack on Ukraine resulted in the biggest wave of refugees since World War II, – United Nations (

“More than 7.9 million people have left the country, and another 5.9 million are internally displaced persons,” – said Katharina Lampp, spokeswoman for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Germany.

The total figure of almost 14 million – this is more than a third of the total population of the country, which is approximately 41 million.

- The Bundestag calls for Leopard tanks to be handed over to Ukraine, writes DW (

Deputy Speakers of the Bundestag Kathrin Goering-Eckardt and Wolfgang Kubiki stand for delivery of Leopard tanks to Ukraine.

"It would be wrong to stop there on the BMP Marder. We must do and provide our best. This also applies to Leopard tanks, – said Bundestag Vice President Katrin Goering-Eckardt.

- Attacks on the Ukrainian energy system are taking place with the help of Russian power engineers, writes ( Financial Times.

They sent the missiles because they knew the weak points, the head of NPC Ukrenergo told the publication. Vladimir Kudritsky:

“The attacks are planned and carried out not only by the military, Russian engineers have full knowledge of the Ukrainian energy grid. This is due to the fact that even before February 24, 2022, it was merged with the energy systems of Russia and Belarus.

- Russian special services recruited Ukrainian children through a mobile game, said ( Minister of Defense of Ukraine Oleksiy Reznikov.

Thus, the Russians tried to collect data on strategic objects.

"It's not just a dirty trick, it's a war crime," – the minister wrote.

- Urgent news for Odessa (! The Ambassador of Eritrea believes that the monuments in Odessa will be restored.

The second picture shows the approximate distance from Eritrea to Odessa.

- Finland will not place nuclear weapons on its territory after joining NATO, informs ( Yle.

Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto stated:

“Finland did not put forward any preconditions when applying for membership because it did not want to narrow down the scope of its activities. But it is clear that there will be no nuclear weapons on Finnish soil even after the membership is completed, – the minister said.

- Criminal Apocalypse in Russia: Mikhail Podolyak predicts -rf) "fun times".

According to the adviser to the head of the Presidential Office, internal sabotage has already begun in Russia:

"Ministry of the InteriorAffairs of the Russian Federation gives official statistics of a 600% increase in the number of criminal offenses in the border areas with Ukraine. Much more and throughout the country”, – he declared.

In the coming months Ukrainians will discuss the criminal situation in the Russian Federation.

«In about 3-4 months we will be discussing the criminal situation of the apocalyptic structure in Russia. It will be a wonderful time.

- Come on, what is it?

- My son brought the vacuum cleaner from Ukraine, for sure. Captured. With a guarantee.

- He refused to re-enter Ukraine, received 2 years probation, remained alive.

You hear, conditionally, and this is a regular military man, but there are no punishments for civilian mobiles at all.

You are fooled, felt boots, however, as always on rabzzii.

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