russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for December 10

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
11 December 2022

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- The Bundestag has confirmed that the United States will support Germany's decision to transfer tanks to Ukraine, said the head of the Bundestag Defense Committee, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann.

- Lovers of conspiracies, see if there are doubles here?

- Who wants to make money on the invaders — in queue

In Sevastopol they know perfectly well that any business must adapt to the currents of life…

- And what about children?

Schoolchildren are forced to make postcards for the "second army of the world" and support their spirit…

- collaborator finished playing

This time a youngster from Kupyansk. After the liberation of the Kharkiv region, he fled to Belgorod, and there he fell under the grave and was buried near Bakhmut

- Horror from the military commissars: in Russia, a 12-year-old boy received a summons

It didn't end there, as the child was registered

- Russian snowdrop

APU loves to collect snowdrops...

- And they say everything is bad in Russia

There is already progress...

- In Russian kindergartens, they began to collect tins from under canned food "for trench candles" for the invaders

The only candles that will help the invaders — rectal

- Refused to fight — face on the table

This is exactly what they do with convicts who refuse to go to war.

Free Russia...

- Toy helmet — this is no longer a joke

"Attention, a toy. Not intended for protection" — such an inscription was found on the helmet of the murdered invader ...

When will automatic rifles go on bullets?

- #losses of invaders as of 12/10/2022

+370 dead Russian Armed Forces per day

Colonel – Vladimir Rogalev

Major – Alexey Borovikov

Major – Evgeny Navlyutov

Major – Alexander Shtonin

Sergeant Andrey Stolyarov.

- The bunker grandfather is trying to bring Ukraine into negotiations in order to worsen relations between Kyiv and the West, as well as to allow his troops to recover, — ISW.

However, experts consider such a scenario unlikely.

- Guys, if you didn't know, then we were attacked by France and Germany, and not some kind of Russia.

It is difficult to interpret the words of Putin's bedding Volodin otherwise.

- Saakashvili is clearly very ill in prison. The photo, by the way, was taken at the end of August, but made public only now. The press secretary specified that today Saakashvili is 10 kilograms thinner.

Saakashvili maybe sick with dementia and tuberculosis — in total, he was diagnosed with 36 different diseases. The politician was sent to the hospital for treatment.

- Your favorite column: The SBU came to visit the Kharkov churches of the Moscow Patriarchate.

- The transfer of cluster shells to Ukraine is possible, but there are nuances, — Politico.

"According to our own policy, we have concerns about the use of such munitions", — said National Security Council spokesman John Kirby in an interview.

The reason for fear — increased risk of these munitions to civilians. Congress also introduced legislative restrictions on Washington's ability to transfer cluster munitions.

- A minute of jokes from the military commissars in Russia: a 12-year-old boy received a summons.

A schoolboy was asked to register, although according to the law, guys from 17 years old should receive such summonses.

- Otakoї: Jean-Claude Van Damme suddenly appeared in Uzhgorod. The actor visited one of Uzhgorod private clinics. The photo was published by a Transcarpathian doctor.

- Is South Africa selling weapons to Raska? South African MPs have demanded to know if the government is selling arms to Russia after a cargo ship sanctioned for its role in Moscow's war effort docked at a naval base near Cape Town and loaded something.

Kobus Mare, an opposition spokesman, said he had written to Defense Minister Tandi Modize to demand an explanation.

- A moment of trash news: the invaders in Skadovsk are asking Ukrainians to help them financially.

That's right, the "saviors" who broke into our land are counting on the financial support of the locals, they were not too lazy even to print the announcement. Of course, there were no applicants

- "I'm still in charge." The bunker grandfather, with his frequent trips outside the bunker, tries to prove that everything is in order with him. At the front, according to him, there are "no problems" (well, except for the fact that the garbage bags have already run out).

The NYT said that the appearance of Putin – dictator's message. He wants to pretend to be healthy, alert and still able to drive.

- Volodymyr Zelensky is recognized as the Person of the Year by the Austrian edition of Profil. The election of Zelensky as Person of the Year is mentioned in an article entitled "Vladimir Zelensky: The Man Who Stirred the Free World."

The material notes that the politician is perceived in the world "not only as a representative of Ukraine, which is being attacked by Russia, but also as a man of the West."

- The SBU found hundreds of thousands of cash, pro-Kremlin literature on the territory of the Kharkiv diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (MP).

In one of the churches there were even dry rations of Russian occupation groups. A monk with a Russian passport was also exposed there.

- Some more good news: in the temporarily occupied Kadiyivka (former Stakhanov) they flew to the headquarters of the Wagner PMC.

He is locatedroamed in a private hotel in the city center, in the photo — all that's left of it. Rusnya claims that they were beaten from MLRS HIMARS.

- That's how in Odessa now they watch a football match England – France.

Modern realities

- Crimea, are you sleeping?

Locals report loud explosions in different areas of the occupied peninsula.

- Tobacco oligarch with a football background wants to run for president

It became known that Grigory Kozlovsky is looking for a political consultant, by the way, they say the budget is huge.

How this person plans to overtake Zelensky, whose rating has not fallen since February 24, is still unknown

- And here are the consequences of kamikaze drone strikes on energy infrastructure facilities in the Odessa region.

That's why there are such problems with light

- 10 out of 15 kamikaze drones shot down over Ukraine at night, – Air Force.

Objects of power infrastructure of Odessa region are struck. Thousands of people were left without electricity.

4 Shahed-136 shot down over Kherson and Mykolaiv regions, 2 more – over Odessa.

- A little about Ilya Yashin

- Chmobik, who could. Justify yourself, Sindeeva.

- Well, how did you ride?

- Don't be shy

- Regular stories for hamsters

- I have gas, electricity, oil. What will you answer to this, eh, Ukrainian?

- "Operators encountered the impossibility of fulfilling the specified condition"

- Fashion trends 2022

- When you take Kyiv for 10 months in three days

- Moscow club "Chinese pilot Zhao Da" canceled the concert of the ska band Shootki due to the fact that the musicians tried to hang a poster with the letter Z on the stage.

Before the start of the performance, the group asked to hang up a poster with Z. The club staff allowed it to be done after the inspectors had left. However, when the musicians tried to take down the poster, the admins said, “What, does anyone have something against the letter Z? The concert is cancelled, everyone out.

"For reasons beyond our control, today's performance is canceled", — wrote the members of the musical group in their telegram channel, and added: "Concerts and the work of the Shootki group will never be a place of political propaganda."

Photo: Shootki telegram channel. Text: OVD-Info

- NATO Chechens defending Bakhmut

- Analytics from a propagandist

- Call the war playfully "SVO"

- Memes

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