Propaganda that is brainwashed by russians in russia. Part 12

5 December 2022

A selection of videos that clearly shows how Russians are brainwashed with the help of television, after which they so fiercely begin to support the war in Ukraine.

Propaganda: Propaganda (lat. propaganda, literally - “extending expansion”, from lat. propago - “expanding”) - expansion of views, facts, arguments, often slightly, contrived information or obviously untrue information using the method of formation the required huge thoughts and manipulation of the suspense I'm reporting.

“Ukraine is under the rule of Europe and America,” apparently that’s why it needs to be “saved”

Briefly about the impact of Gebbels TV on the human mind.

Buryats are running out

“It is necessary to prohibit the mobilization of people living in the Far East and northern Russia due to population decline in these territories” - Member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Sergei Bezdenezhnykh

Something quickly they...

On the air of Dozhd, they said that they help mobile phones

The presenter said that the channel helps Russian mobs with equipment and other amenities to be sent to the front.

Editor-in-chief Tikhon Dzyadko denied this and apologized, noting that the channel did not do anything like that and does not plan.

Return to the USSR, we start with printing coupons

Back to U.S.S.R: a printing house in the Tula region in Russia received an order to print food stamps.

What are they preparing for, I wonder?

You do import substitution there yourself, but I won’t

Putin, through a German microphone, called on Russians to buy domestic goods.

Gebbels-TV is broken

Propagandists ask other propagandists not to talk nonsense and not to tell nonsense about the welded hatches of Ukrainian military tanks

Have another batch of Russian folk tales about boys in panties

The house of the scandalous blogger from Ukraine Sofia Stuzhuk was set on fire with Molotov cocktails in Latvia

An Instagram “star”, famous for giving birth live, fucked from Ukraine at the beginning of the war to Latvia. During the full-scale invasion, the flea marketer advertised her russian colleagues and even called herself a Russian in one of the broadcasts.

It wasn't just the raccoon that got it

Homeless people and looters steal geese from Ukrainian households

Women delivered food in trucks, all men were mobilized

This is how they helped Donbass, which was “dominated” for 8 years

Why do they need drones and TVs, amulets will be enough

Copters? Thermal imagers? No, it’s just that schoolgirls in the Kostroma region (Russian Federation) sew Z-shawls with prayers for the military.

Zelensky went crazy

The level of discussion on Goebbels TV is impressive

Bookstore in Moscow

The whole village cried

Lukashenko, it turns out, wanted to become a journalist, but his mother-in-law did not allow him

Pugacheva will donate to Ukraine’s Elena Zelenskaya Charitable Foundation

Pushilin dances happily under the ZSU Dopomozhe

It is clear that the video may be superimposed with sound, but pay attention to something else. While chmoboks are being pulled out of their families and sent to their deaths, the chubby guy is dancing on the balconies of five-star hotels near the pool.

What is happening was filmed in the summer of 2022, when the Russians were squandering in all directions. Meanwhile, the head of the banana republic...

Who are you fighting for, clowns?

Mobilize yourself, bald rat

Khabarovsk men slowly turn their heads and refuse to mobilize...

Simonyan on minimal wages from Soviet times

Come on, tell us how they respected Ukraine and its history during the Soviet era. Just an excerpt from a Soviet film, filled with hatred for our country.

Skabeeva was very mistaken

Propaganda, as always, talks about “successes” with Bakhmut, claims that Kadyrov’s soldiers are walking around the city. But there is a nuance, these Chechen guys are fighters of the Ukrainian battalion named after Sheikh Mansur

What's wrong with your face, you idiot?

Ukrainians eat occupiers

Propaganda in Belarus has reached a new level, now the idiots have started a barrel organ about “Ukrainism” (Ukrainians cook and eat dishes from the bodies of Russians)

Chronicles of the liberation of Ukrainians from their property by Russian soldiers

I will personally bring this flag to Kyiv and hang it over the building of the Verkhovna Rada

Russians continue to reflect on the pipe dream of “taking Kyiv in three days.”

How is the Belgorod People's Republic doing? Sleeping?

It’s also surprising when the words “suck” are broadcast on a federal television channel. This is the level of culture.

Leps beat up a passerby

Together with the guards, these savages in a crowd beat up a simple passerby in St. Petersburg

First he goes to hype the Donbass, then he comes back to Russia to beat up his own residents. Indicative Russian attitude towards people.

Did you go too far and catch a squirrel?

The insanity of propaganda has spread to animals

Following the stolen Kherson raccoon, a patriotic cat appeared. In the story, the cat signs up as a volunteer, relieves himself at the “no war” sign, kills Ukrainians and goes home with a lot of money.

We don't really understand what's going on in this video, but the cinnamon is excellent.

An inappropriate passenger from the Russian Federation says something about fraternal peoples

90,000 Russians rolled into the ground are not enough for her...

We will never bomb any Kyiv. Our shrines are there. Propaganda Simonyan

Ritochka, there is news! Your shrines are not there. Already…

an orc who became disabled thanks Putin in tears for starting the war

Selected krinzhatina from non-bloggers

Another blogger from Ivano-Frankivsk region

Parallels between Hitler's Germany and Putin's Russia

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