Propaganda that is brainwashed by russians in russia. Part 9

26 November 2022

A selection of videos that clearly shows how Russians are brainwashed with the help of television, after which they so fiercely begin to support the war in Ukraine.

Reference: Propaganda (Latin propaganda, literally - “to be disseminated”, from Latin propago - “I distribute”) - the dissemination of views, facts, arguments, often rumors, distorted information or deliberately false information, in order to form the desired public opinion and manipulate public consciousness.

Z-patriotism is a highly contagious and incurable mental illness

But what happens, dill is not so simple

No comments. Penya said that Ukrainian soldiers who “behave incorrectly” are shot “right in front of the line”

In Krymsk, an unknown person shot passers-by

According to RosSMI, a man lost a trial against his wife and wanted to shoot her, but he didn’t catch up and shot 3 people and shot himself

Well, Prigozhin comes to power - it will be even cooler

Your job is to take pictures, not tell us what to do!

Lavrov also distinguished himself during a joint photo at a CSTO meeting in Yerevan, successfully activating the “man-cattle” mode

The Ukrainian authorities have every opportunity to resolve the situation and stop the suffering of the people by fulfilling the demands of the Russian Federation

Why should Ukraine be afraid to comply with the demands of the Russian Federation?

The Russian delegation will present materials on US biological activities in Ukraine at the upcoming BTWC conference

Clown from the Russian Foreign Ministry Ryabkov

If in Russia a firing range is located next to a children's playground, children will be shot

In Stary Oskol, a 7-year-old boy was shot during a training exercise. He has an injury to his right hand.

Russia is one continuous testing ground

And again a country in swamps and a capture scene in a Kabardian school

The role of masked “terrorists” who burst into the classroom with machine guns during class was played by a security guard, a life safety teacher and a 9th grade student. However, after the video was published, people from the prosecutor’s office came to the school.

Propaganda that is brainwashed by russians in russia. Part 9

It seems we have found cringe in its purest form.

It seems that a little more and Ani Lorak will calm down

The vile and cynical clown made a statement

The representative of the occupiers at the UN, Nebenzya, said from the podium that “it is not massive missile strikes that are to blame for the death of civilians in Ukraine, but Ukrainian air defense systems.”

Nebenzya also stated that the strikes on Ukraine are being carried out “in response to pumping this country with Western weapons.”

Country of scoundrels and terrorists

A moment of hypocrisy from Putin

Nothing can replace the loss of a child, but we will still continue to send your sons to hell. Be understanding about this

Voices in the head are symptoms of what disease?

There is no husband, but my son is proud

This is how a teacher encourages first-graders to go to war

The children are crying that their fathers were taken away, and they are “prideful.” Yeah, it’s impossible to get the scoop out of these idiots...

We will respond in such a way that not only Europe will tremble

And so Lugabe commented on the topic of a potential attack on his country and even crap himself from fear.

Move over, I want to get away from him

While photographing together the leaders of the CSTO countries at the summit in Yerevan, participants on both sides of Putin distanced themselves from the dictator.

If you were wondering what toxicity is, here it is.

Poland is preparing to send columns of military equipment to Ukraine

... they tell on Goebbels TV. But for the plot they used footage from the parade of military equipment on Latvian Independence Day.

Even the Latvian flags did not bother the propagandists

Admire Solovyov, a man of constant sadness

He cries, he sighs, he lies. Calls on Russians to die for their country and praises himself for “choosing” to give up his Italian villa (it was taken because he was under sanctions, so the choice was made for him)

He put on the uniform of the National Guard and is bursting with pride because he feels like he is part of a fighting machine.

It seems that the retreat at the clinic in Bali did not bring much benefit and Lavrov continues to talk incoherent nonsense

An offer you can't refuse

Grandmothers from “Putin’s Squads” invited Cristiano Ronaldo to play for the Luhansk football club “Dalevets”.

Prigozhin handed the representative of the European Parliament a sledgehammer in a violin case

The sledgehammer was engraved with the Wagner Group logo, and there was red paint on the handle of the case, supposedly blood.

It's kind of a bad story

Let us remind you that today the European Parliament voted a resolution in which it recognized Russia as a terrorist country...

We'll have to walk around Europe too, no one will stop us

Solovyov speaks in a trembling and completely unconvincing voice.

No one is afraid of Russians and they themselves are already well aware of this

We continue the morning together with spiritual bonds

Just look at this poverty

It would be better if they built roads for themselves with this money, idiots...

Professor Solovey predicts a new wave of mobilization after the New Year holidays

Celebrated with hawthorn and to the front line! We are already looking forward to the quality of the new meat

Russia has achieved digital sovereignty

This is how the head of the Russian Ministry of Digital Development described the departure of foreign IT companies from Russia.

It turns out that very soon Russia will also achieve military, oil and gas sovereignty?

Meanwhile, clairvoyants turned on on Gebbels TV

Now Russians are pumped with predictions from fortune tellers and ventriloquists

Today you no longer belong to the family, you belong to the state

The Irkutsk governor addresses the mothers of Russians killed in the war.

According to Solovyov, Crimea is no longer Russia

Are you finally getting ready to leave?

Amazing, incredible. Life without a brain exists

The mustachioed clown threatens the complete destruction of Ukraine

The mustachioed cockroach Lukashenko claims that at the time the missiles fell in Poland there was nothing russet in the air

What's there in the swamps

But nothing like that, it’s just that the head of the Ministry of Digital Development of Chuvashia, Kristina Mainina, had to resign because of her flayer son.

A video has gone viral of Mainina’s son eating raw meat, biting off the head of a live frog and threatening to shoot his classmates.

Miracles of dexterity. The head of the Russian Republic of Komi, Vladimir Uiba, said that he dodged HIMARS 6 times

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