A selection of videos of damaged equipment of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. Part 120

13 December 2022
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A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

200 people went to Kobzon’s concert

And these were not ordinary chmobiks, but someone cooler." Intelligence explains who was "caught" in a restaurant complex in Melitopol.

Switchblade 300 in action

Bakhmut direction

Bmp3 near Bakhmut

Soldiers of the 79th brigade give the orcs a sweet life in Marinka

The video shows the moment of sending a gift from an RPG.

In Belarus, Russian military equipment is being transferred closer to the border with Ukraine

The movement of convoys with military equipment along the country's roads was recorded. The column moved out from the area of the Obuz-Lesnovsky training ground (Baranovichi district, Brest region). It will move towards the Brestsky training ground (Brest district, Brest region). 24 units are being moved closer to the border with Ukraine. military equipment, including 4 trawls with T-80 tanks, a mortar battery, communications vehicles, and engineering equipment.

The Second Army unloads its rubbish from a train

Donbass has turned into hell

This is Novoselovskoe, Svatovsky district of Lugansk region. Another village completely destroyed by the Russians.

Destruction for the sake of destruction.

Captured Orcs

The captured BMP3 is now in the service of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Using Switchblade to destroy the invaders' Grenadier observation post

The summer season in Crimea now looks like this

Accurate hit from a drone

Failed evacuation

Novoselovskoe, Lugansk region. Ukrainian T-64BV tank shoots at T-72B3 orcs

Russian shelling of Novoselovskiy from TOS-1 with thermobaric ammunition

The occupier caught a mine

Crash of a Wagner helicopter in the Bakhmut area at the end of October

The audio is a radio intercept of a discussion of how the Orks took the remains of their Lieutenant Colonel Vyacheslav Zangiev, who was the commander of a combat helicopter regiment.

Gifts from Khimars towards Melitopol

Perhaps we'll take some trophies for ourselves

About how hard it is for you without light while the soldiers are defending Bakhmut

The plasma is intact, it is clear that the orcs have not yet entered the house.

Santa isn't the only one who climbs up the chimney

The situation in Avdeevka and assistance to residents

The situation on the streets of Bakhmut

Shooting and constant shelling of the city. Let us remind you that Bakhmut is one of the hottest spots now.

The time will come and the Russians will pay for every life taken and every house destroyed.


It is reported that this is what the bridge connecting Bakhmut and Slavyansk looks like now

The Ukrainian Armed Forces blew it up in order to hinder the enemy’s offensive.

There is no official confirmation yet.

Saving your comrade on the battlefield

Special forces of the SBU urgently turned off the light to 10 occupiers

Our tactical group conducted reconnaissance and spotted a Russian KamAZ truck and its passengers.

As a direct hit from the ATGM, both the equipment and the occupiers set off to improve the daily statistics of their losses.

Touching volunteer chronicles from the life of Bakhmut

Ukrainian border guards patrol the borders using modern equipment

Headshot by a Ukrainian sniper

This is so scary that there are no words. Night battles for Bakhmut

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