russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for October 20

21 October 2022

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

Photo: Concrete bomb shelters installed near bus stops in Kharkiv

- Just a kindergarten somewhere in the vastness of the "great empire"

- Putin signed a decree on the liquidation of the agency Rostourism

Now tourism in Russia does not exist not only in life, but also on paper

- The invaders start to flee from Energodar, - Energoatom

Yesterday, October 19, and tonight from the centers of compact residence of the Russian military and the occupation "administration" cities began to take out the stolen property.

Thus, a mass robbery of the Scythian Hotel was recorded. The occupiers took out everything they could from there and packed it into buses and trucks: TVs, refrigerators, furniture, kettles and other household items.

An army of cowards and marauders

- In Italy, three Russians and two citizens of Venezuela were arrested for trying to organize a scheme for the sale of Russian oil in circumvention of sanctions

Among the detainees - Artem Uss, son of the governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of the Russian Federation. They face extradition to the US and up to 30 years in prison.

- Iran has categorically denied accusations of transferring drones to Russia for use in the conflict in Ukraine, said Iran's permanent representative to the UN.

- We do not leave our own, who was abandoned — no longer theirs. The first residents of the damaged house in Yeysk were paid 10,000 rubles each. So far, only 13 families from a huge apartment building have received such pennies. The building, after hitting it with a military aircraft, fire and explosion, has not yet been recognized as emergency.

- Russian special services are probably preparing terrorist attacks on their territory in order to blame Ukraine — GUR MO. It is reported that "memos" are being distributed in Russia, setting the stage for provocations and terrorist attacks.

"Allegedly "saboteurs" leave mined phones, wallets, tablets on the roads, benches and in the bushes. Even children's things can be mined in this way", – GUR writes.

- Scholz announced Germany's plans to train a full Ukrainian brigade of up to 5,000 troops by the spring of 2023. "Thus, we emphasize our readiness to constantly work on the creation of a strong Ukrainian army, hand in hand with our partners"

- Strong help

- The families of those mobilized in Buryatia cannot receive the firewood promised by the authorities

It is also worth paying attention to the last paragraph

- Do you want to live quietly and calmly — do what I tell you — Lukashenka to fellow citizens.

- Delivery of Iranian drones to Russia – this is nothing more than a set of inferences and far-fetched statements, — press-drunk of the Ministry of the Russian Federation.

And now let's remember what this one said in February.

- British Prime Minister Truss has resigned. 45 days was her term in office. We are waiting for Johnsonyuk's comeback

- Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is the favorite among Tory party members to replace Liz Truss. This was shown by a recent YouGov poll.

Boris Johnson is ready to fight for the post of head of the British government after the resignation of Liz Truss, — times.

Towhat an amazing time we live in.

- It turned out awkward: Liz Truss set an anti-record as Prime Minister of Britain.

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Гость Карен
21 October 2022
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