What a thing: the strangest finds. Issue 144

28 January 2023

We regularly come across things that are not immediately recognizable. All these incomprehensible things excite the imagination and torment with doubts, but here, as always, experts from the network come to the rescue, who easily and quickly solve all the riddles.

1. "A seagull threw this next to me after I gave her bread"

Answer: "

It is known that some species of birds (mainly crows) give gifts. The seagull gave you an abalone shell! Very cool!"

2. "My friend was walking her dog and came across this. What is it? England, UK"


: "The spine of a dolphin".

3. "Why is there a fingerprint on this coin? It is imprinted and the coin is visibly worn in this area"


: "Some people have a particularly caustic sebum. I used to work in a machine shop, and we called these people "rusters" and forbade them to touch their tools. "Rusters" leave rust not only on steel, but also on brass , copper, bronze, aluminium, zinc, etc. If he used your tools and you didn't clean and oil them right away, rusty fingerprints will appear on the steel in a few hours. I think at some point this " the ruster "touched this coin, after which no one touched it for a long time."

4. "Statuette found in the ground under a tree in Alberta"


"Definitely indigenous. I would take it to the local Historical Society or other organization for study."

5. "Help identify the bird my parents found in their backyard"


"This is a golden pheasant".

6. "I know what it's NOT used for... These things are pointy and ribbed and have a key ring on one end, any ideas?"

Inscription: "Not for the ass."


"This is for self-defense. Attaches to the keys like a keychain."

7. "Found this 'pepper' while walking around North Carolina, any idea what kind of lizard this is?"


: "Greenish newt" [young newts of this species have an orange-red color].

8. "What is this flag? Red, white and black triangle"


: "It's from Star Trek, Klingon flag."

9. "This was given to me by a neighbor who doesn't speak English and I don't speak Chinese"


: "It's called Zizania broadleaf or Manchurian wild rice. You can cut it into slices and stir-fry for a minute or so, then simmer with a little soy sauce until it soaks in flavor. It has a nice unique texture , firmer than zucchini."

10. "I saw this on the banks of the Brahmaputra River, India. It's so strange how they all move together. Any idea what this creature is?"


"These are centipedes walking together. The ones at the bottom are also walking. Those at the top are walking on them, and once they reach the end, they move down and change. They do this to cover more distance faster ".

11. "What are those wavy brain-like shapes in the water?"


: "These are 3D printed coral reef tiles."

12. "Friend found in the yard. Brisbane, Australia"


"Looks like a hand grenade. I would suggest callingcall the police to make sure."

13. "Found under a tree. Took the boy home"


"This is a southern flying squirrel. About 2 weeks old. His eyes are still developing, so don't try to open them. If you are going to go out, be aware that he will become very attached to you and require a lot of attention, and also has a nocturnal image life."

14. "It was given to us by a neighbor from Asia who grows them at home"


"It's a bottle gourd... Trust me, I'm Asian... But I've never seen such a long one."

15. "I found this shit in my garden, he does not bite, he even allows himself to be touched and picked up. What could it be? A non-venomous snake or just a legless lizard?"


"This is a brittle spindle. A legless lizard. A protected species."

16. "I know it's a turkey, but I've never seen that color. Western North Carolina"


"It's a genetic disease... Partial albinism".

17. "Found this in my grandparents' kitchen. What is it? Nothing comes to mind except an ancient male torture device."

Answer: "

Cutter for eggshell. For soft-boiled eggs to cut off the top


18. "I saw this in a tree while walking. No other trees in the area have it. What is it?"


"It's a cap! Woodworkers pay a lot of money for them, because the structure of the fibers from the inside is very cool."

19. "I came home and found this device on the front door, closing the lock. What is it and what should I do? Is it safe to open? Who could install it?"

Answer (of the author)

: "We removed it. It's an anti-lock device that allows you to remove or disconnect the lock, so it was an attempted robbery. Fortunately, they couldn't get in. The police will come in the morning."

20. "Dad shows this thing to everyone who comes to the house, hoping to find out what it is. It went so far that he made a separate shelf for it. Help"

Answer: "

It's a thing for cutting/chopping coconuts. They sit on it and beat coconuts on the blade.

21. "This thing was found wrapped in a pillowcase in the stairwell of my boyfriend's hotel."


"This is for making fake credit cards."

22. "What is this lizard? It refuses to get off my hand and I don't know how to help it (I live in Central Florida)"


"Caribbean house gecko. Very common in Florida. They are nocturnal, so if he came out during the day, he is probably stressed. Just put him in some dark and warm place for a while."

23. "What is this thing that appeared in my yard?"


: "It's a funky stink mushroom. The tip smells like rotten meat to attract flies and spread spores. It's hollow inside. Keep dogs out of it. My dog ate this, we took her to the vet. He said my dog trippy from mushrooms. She was fine after a day of observation."

24. "Found in hotel room"


"This is Morse code. 'NICE TO MEET YOU, HOPE YOU GUESS MY NAME' [repeats 4x]"

25. "Why did they do this to the trees?"


: "That's because the trees were sprayed with an insecticide designed to kill aphids that drop their sap on parked cars."it's under the trees. This killed thousands of bees, so the trees are now wrapped with netting to prevent more bees from landing on the trees."

26. "My Muslim neighbors unexpectedly gave me a treat. There's rice, some milk, walnuts on top, and I can smell lemongrass."

Answer: "

This dish is called khir. Usually eaten warm, but personally I prefer it cold.


27. "Help! They gave me this, it was embarrassing to ask what it was"


: "This is a bookmark for books."

28. "Strange Creature in South Wales, UK"


: "Caterpillar of hawk hawk".

29. "Cleaning at grandma's house to sell it and found this. What is it?"


"It's a flour sprayer. It's used to flour a work surface. It can also be used to sprinkle icing sugar on cookies and stuff like that."

30. "It grows under my floor... SOS"


: "This is Peck's Gidnellum, also known as the Bleeding Tooth."

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