A vinaigrette of historical footage from past years. Issue 171

Here is a brand new hodgepodge of interesting historical photographs that will take us on a time machine in the next few minutes. Come on in quickly, while there are still free seats. Well, is everyone ready? Then let's go!

The USSR national hockey team at the victorious 1976 Olympics.

A cell phone call, California, 1979

This is what the title page of the novel "The Lord of the Rings" looked like J. R. R. Tolkien in 1937.

Playboy model Marilyn Lange, 1970s

Marlon Brando with beauties, 1955 g.

M.A. Bulgakov in the 1910s during his studies at Kiev University.

Diego Maradona against six Belgian players at the World Cup. June 13, 1982

Diego Maradona against six Belgian players at the World Cup. June 13, 1982

Students at an agricultural institute in Germany, 1934, learn to milk cows using special chairs.

A gilded model of a KAMAZ truck, presented to General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev in December 1976 for his 70th birthday.

View of the Moscow Dynamo stadium from the cockpit during the game, 1941 (before the Great Patriotic War).

Ballerina Anna Pavlova in folk costume, Paris, 1911.

William Harley and Arthur Davidson, creators of Harley Davidson, on their bikes in 1914.

A padre holds a service at a pulpit made of snow for Swiss military skiers. Switzerland, 1940

A casino security guard watches players. Nevada, USA, 1968.

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