Flight of fantasy: 30 failed design decisions (31 photos)

Category: Creatively, PEGI 0+
22 March 2025

Designers are meant to make our lives comfortable and beautiful, but some of their work is puzzling and makes you wonder - what are these people smoking? Of course, not everyone in this industry has talent, and the clients can be simply unbearable. However, some ideas just shouldn't go beyond the tablet. From a cup that you can't drink from without hurting your eyes to a staircase that leads to nowhere - all these "creations" are the embodiment of absurdity.

1. Forgot about the arrows

2. Drinking water in yellow bottles

3. Take care of your feet

4. Looks like dirt

5. Dangerous llama

6. Incontinence jeans

7. And sit on the floor you can

8. It's impossible to sit on it on a hot day

9. The handle is heavier than the pan itself

10. This bottle has marks showing the amount of liquid, but you can't see anything

11. This IKEA colander has a rim that gets in the way

12. The pattern on the parchment makes the cheese look moldy

13. Kinetic sand with the smell of cookies

14. Bus stop in Malaysia

15. Toast with a taste plastic

16. Not the best design for a hotel bedside table

17. Bare metal armrests. They say this design

18. This hob

19. Cleaners won't appreciate

20. Magic Mouse with the "correct" port placement for charging

21. That'll do

22. That's already a defect

23. Dirty color

24. You can't know the nutritional value until you buy and open the product

25. The soap dish is new, but I already want to clean it

26. Dangerous Buckles on a Pillow

27. Easy to Burn

28. Bowl with Oil Drop Effect

29. Like a Dog Did a Bad Job need

30. Better not to show to children

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