A selection of interesting design solutions that I would like to see in my home (16 photos)

12 May 2023

All people in the world try to make their home cozier, more comfortable and more functional. And in this case, talented designers help us a lot, which offer very interesting solutions. Although technically view, some ideas raise questions. However, many options they really do look very interesting.

multifunctional bed

Intelligent parking system that saves space and protects your car

Super stylish table with a glass river in the middle

Weird but comfortable noodle-shaped blanket

Compact bed that stores everything you want, perfect for small apartments

Outdoor table with built-in refrigerator

Great solution for a small apartment

Original table lamps

The chandelier will turn your room into an enchanted forest

Door - a kaleidoscope shimmers with colors, thanks to external rays of light

Stone picture wall

Functional bookcase

library stairs

Beautiful terrarium lamps will decorate your home

Now you can turn your floor into a starry sky by illuminating it with the soft light of fiber optics.

Smart mirror will show the weather, news and mail

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