30 tools and devices for solving non-trivial problems (31 photos)

Category: Fun
28 December 2022

If you need to hammer a nail, it is best to use a hammer. If you need to consider the infusoria-shoe - you need a microscope. The main thing the quality of an instrument or apparatus lies in the fact that it accurately performs the job for which it is intended! There is a very good subreddit r/specializedtools, which shows and talks about the most unusual and niche instruments ever created by man.

1. Fire truck Scania P360 with a special "sting scorpion", which can penetrate the building and deliver water directly to fire without endangering firefighters

2. A beach cleaning robot designed to sift sand and collect small debris

3. Cyanometer. An instrument for measuring the blueness of the sky, invented 230 years ago

4. Armchair and a special descent that helps disabled people enter the water

5. Kitchen whisk cleaner

6. Spider, lifting platform for work in hard-to-reach places

7. Solar Panel Cleaner

8 Shoe Testing Machine, 1940s

9. Verbatim machine used for verbatim writing at speeds over 225 words per minute. Used in courtrooms and when recording legal evidence

10. Tool for testing fire detectors. He tightly closes the device, and then sprays the aerosol in a dosed manner, and the indicator shows information about the serviceability / malfunction of the sensor smoke

11. Stainless steel pallet truck for indoor cleanroom use

12. Remote-controlled special excavator for the demolition of nuclear power plant cooling towers

13. Set of intrinsically safe beryllium-copper spanners for hydrogen applications

14. Temporary traffic light

15. Device for marking pleated patterns parts of a kilt. Has guide lines for precise alignment plaid pattern

16. Comb for network cables

17. Street lamp maintenance machine

18. Paper creaser for filling voids in boxes

19. Ruler for measuring scars on the arm after an allergy test

20. Toposcope (orientation table) for identifying nearby peaks in the Rocky Mountains

21. Star Apple Parer And Slicer, 1871. One of three existing

22. Homemade frame for painting doors

23. Non-metal fuse removal pliers

24. Lifting devices. In this case, it is used to lift photovoltaic panels to the roof of a building.

25. Truffle hunter's shoulder blades. flat designed for white truffles that grow in softer soil, and spear-shaped - for black truffles, which are deeper and more rocky soil

26. Large wave tray in the wave research laboratory

27. Train for optical inspection of tracks

28. Device for making clogs

29. Device for getting cucumbers. Comes with a jar

30. Rail profile laser scanner

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