A high school student beautifully escaped a chokehold (4 photos + 1 video)
An 18-year-old schoolgirl, whose name has not been released, arranged to sell an evening dress to her ex-girlfriend Morgan Flinchum. The girls met at a gas station in Gwinnett, Georgia, USA. Flinchum, 20, went to try on the dress at a nearby Racetrac store and intended to steal it.
The girl was surrounded by the thief's friends Kaylee George and Lelia DeJager, one of whom decided to try a choke hold. But the victim managed to throw the offender over his shoulder and knock her to the ground. At that time, a bystander held Flincher down, who was eager to fight.
The story ended with a call to the police.
"The conflict broke out over a dress and money. It escalated into a fight, and then 911 was called. All the participants knew each other," said Juan Madiedo, a police officer from Gwinnett County.
The victim documented the injuries and filed a report. Flinchum, George, and DeJager surrendered to police. They were charged with theft, and DeJager and Flinchum were also charged with battery.
"In Gwinnett County, all of our police stations are equipped with special areas for buying and selling goods online," Madiego reminded local residents.

From left to right: Lelia DeJager, Morgan Flinchum and Kaylee George