16 rarities that most people have never seen (17 photos)

Yesterday, 21:37

When people come across rare and unique things, it gives unforgettable emotions. And such interesting events do not happen as often as we would like. In this post you will see really interesting and rare objects and events that few people have seen.

1. What does a piece of meteorite look like in sunlight

2. A desert rose or "rose of the sands" is a rose-like formation that can be found in desert

Mineral aggregates form characteristic intergrowths of lenticular crystals, outwardly resembling a rose flower.

3. This small bonsai has normal-sized apples growing on it

4. This is the first sunrise in Murmansk after the polar night

In 2024, the polar night lasted 40 days — from December 2 to January 10. The duration of the polar night varies in different cities of the Murmansk region.

5. This dragonfly print on limestone is 150 million years old

6. Lactarius indigo - a mushroom of an unusual color

Edible, sold in markets in Mexico and Guatemala. Grows in North and Central America, as well as in Asia.

7. This is the same horse, 5 years apart. Some horses are born black but slowly turn grey

8. Trou de Beauzouls Canyon is a horseshoe-shaped canyon, 400 meters wide and 100 meters deep

Trou de Beauzouls is believed to have been built by the Knights Templar. By choosing this location, they wanted to protect the city from enemies with the help of a full-flowing river that flowed here and a natural stone barrier.

9. Trichoptera larvae protect their developing bodies by producing filleted shells with silk and detritus found at the bottom of ponds

French artist Hubert Duprat placed the larvae in an aquarium with gold, pearls and precious stones.

10. The sand on the beach of Hormuz Island in Iran sparkles

This effect is due to the presence of a large number of minerals and microorganisms that give the sand a shimmer.

11. "Floating" stones of Baikal

For the stones to start "floating", certain weather conditions are necessary - a strong wind and bright sun. The rocks on Baikal are heated by sunlight and melt the ice below. After sunset, the ice becomes solid again, creating a small support for the overlying rock. This phenomenon was called Baikal Zen.

12. This shower formed naturally in a cave, Iporanga, Sao Paulo, Brazil

13. A ribbon-shaped cloud outside an airplane

14. This is a musical typewriter, this is how music was written before the era computers

15. This Isn't a Pile of Broken Glass, It's a Frozen Lake Michigan

16. A Scorpion Transformed Entirely into Copper Found in a Mine in Southern Arizona, USA

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