16 photos of men who were against animals in the house (17 photos)
Many people have stories from their childhood about how they desperately wanted to have a cat or a dog. But their desire was dashed by the stern word of their dad, who strictly forbade the appearance of any animals in his house. However, those who managed to get around this ban know who eventually becomes the pet's best friend. Take a look for yourself, this is beyond cute.
He didn't want a cat because cats ruin furniture...
I think she's his conquered
«I'm allergic»
My dad and the cat he never wanted
The cat turns 22 in October and we found him when he was just a few weeks old!
No animals! Especially cats! And then you see this cat from the shelter
Two weeks ago, a neighbor found a kitten on the sidewalk. My husband said no more cats. Well...
Dad and the dog he wouldn't let me have when I was a kid
"No animals!" — this guy claimed
"We can't get a cat, she won't get along with the dog"
My husband now:
"I don't want that cat anywhere near me!" — my husband said six years ago.
"I don't like dogs at all"
Dad said "no more dogs"
Double the cuteness
"We're students... We don't have time for a dog, "and I don't want her messing up my room..." I told my roommates two years ago.
"Keep her off the furniture! She's not a lap dog!"
"I hate kittens," my husband said
Dad then: "Don't get a dog, it will take over your whole life." Dad now: