15 людей, які колись сказали: «Жодних тварин у будинку» (16 фото)

Category: Animals
31 October 2022

Getting a pet is a big decision and a big responsibility. Not everyone is ready to agree to this.

Very often, dads, husbands and guys with all hands and feet are against the appearance of a new tenant in the house. But the funniest thing happens if you can persuade them. After all, they will become the best with pets. friends. Checked multiple times!

Reluctantly agreed to get a dog after years of pressure from my wife and kids… Now this is my life

“Don't bring that bird into the house. She won't be welcome here."

My boyfriend didn't want to leave this kitten, but today I found a dozen of these selfies on his phone

My mom brought Gus home after their old cat recently passed away (whom my dad didn't want either)

My dad threw a fit when he met Gus. He complained non-stop about Gus to anyone who was willing to listen to him. He even refused to call Gus by his proper name for weeks. Now he hugs him angrily.

My boyfriend: “Okay, you can get a dog, but I don’t need one and I’m not going to take care of it”

Also my boyfriend:

Stepfather didn't want to have anything to do with cats, and now

"We won't take the rabbit"

My dad and my dog

Dad and the cat he didn't want to take home

Another good story

Took in a pregnant homeless lady late last year. When the kittens grew up, I found good owners for them among my friends. Father one friend said categorically: "No, don't even think about it." The kitten was brought for Christmas, and now they are inseparable.

My boyfriend with a cat that "will only cause inconvenience"

Dad and the dog he didn't want

“No pets! And certainly no cats!”

Until one of the cats looked at him at the shelter.

That smile is clear

Once he didn't want a dog

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