American Woman Separates Baby Wombat from Mother (4 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 21:37

Samantha Jo Streble has posted a video from her trip to Australia. The American, who calls herself a biologist and environmental scientist, filmed a baby wombat on the side of the road. But instead of enthusiastic comments, the girl was met with a barrage of criticism for separating the animal from its mother.

The outdoor enthusiast grabbed the baby and ran to the car. The wombat's mother rushed after her. The cameraman's laughter can be heard off-camera.

"I caught a baby wombat," Strable said as the animal squealed and thrashed, trying to escape her hands. "His mom is right there, and she's mad. Okay, I'm going to let him go."

The man replied: "He's okay."

A few seconds later, the tourist released the animal onto the road, where his mother was waiting.

The social media post caused a storm of reactions. Users marked the video as "animal cruelty."

The girl insisted that she did not harm the wombat and held him for only one minute: "For anyone worried, I hasten to inform you that the baby was carefully held for one minute and then returned to his mother. They disappeared into the bushes completely unharmed. I didn’t expect to catch him, but I took the opportunity to see this amazing animal up close.”

Outraged Australians continued to leave negative comments, and Samantha was forced to close the page. She deleted the video.

“As a wildlife rescue specialist who works with wombats, this was a very traumatic experience for the mother and her baby,” one person commented.

“To take advantage of a situation for personal gain without thinking about how it might hurt others is criminal. Disgraceful,” wrote another.

A third added: "I hope she gets the maximum sentence for abusing wildlife."

He was supported by: "Arrest. Fined. Deported."

Australians have asked the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency to deport Streble to her home state of Montana in the United States.

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