Fifty Prisoners Escape from Indonesian Prison (4 photos + 1 video)

Yesterday, 21:37

On Monday, a mass prison break occurred in the Indonesian province of Aceh, Kutacane. The prisoners broke down the doors and ran to freedom. The search for the escapees continues.

The footage shows dozens of criminals bypassing the barriers and finding themselves on a busy street. Locals grab the escapees, but many manage to escape. As of Wednesday, 32 people remain at large.


"We are continuing to actively search for the prisoners and urge them to surrender. This is the only way they can avoid harsher sentences," Aceh Tenggara police chief Doni Sumarsono told local media.

The incident happened while the prisoners were queuing for food at the canteen. According to Kutakane Prison Chief Andy Hasim, the criminals broke down two armored doors.

The incident is attributed to overcrowding. The prison is designed to accommodate 100 people, but currently houses about 368 prisoners.

El Salvador also faces prison overcrowding, prompting authorities to open the largest prison in Latin America, with a capacity of 40,000. The construction was initiated by President Nayib Bukele as part of the fight against criminal gangs.

The cells hold between 65 and 70 prisoners. Visits are prohibited. Human rights activists accuse Bukele of restricting civil rights. They concluded that each prisoner has an average of 0.60 square meters of living space, which is in violation of international standards.

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