Fortress among new buildings: family refuses $50 million and stays to live in lonely mansion (3 photos + 1 video)

Yesterday, 18:02

The Zammit family's property could have been used to build around 50 homes, but they turned down an offer of AUD$50 million, choosing to keep their home and continue living in it.

In Sydney, Australia, the Zammit family have become something of an urban legend after refusing to sell their vast Quakers Hill estate despite generous offers from developers. They were reportedly offered AUD$50 million, but chose to keep their home and refused to give in to the offers.

The 20,000 square foot lot is home to a luxurious mansion with a Windsor Castle-style driveway, green lawns, more than five bedrooms, a basketball court, and a large garage. However, the most interesting thing is that their territory is literally surrounded by modern development, consisting of many similar houses.

Once their home was located among spacious fields and occasional cottages, but over time the area was built up, and now it has become an island of privacy among dense residential development. However, the family continues to refuse deals, despite the high market value of their land, which, according to experts, can now reach $60 million.

According to local realtors, if the site were sold and developed, the developer could build up to 50 homes on it, each selling for $1 million. However, it appears the Zammits are not interested in selling and are standing firm.

A Blacktown City Council spokesman confirmed that the authority has no plans to acquire the land and has not been in talks with the family. Meanwhile, locals have expressed respect for the Zammits' decision, noting that their steadfastness preserves the unique character of the area.

With Sydney property prices soaring, interest in the site is likely to only increase. However, the family does not appear to have any plans to part with the home, despite the incredible sums being offered for their land.

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