One Bird in Different Cities (26 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 18:03

Since childhood, we know that the arrival of spring means the return of migratory birds. City streets, parks, squares and groves are again filled with busy birds that need to complete the program of breeding and raising offspring, and their ringing trills.

But there is a bird that does not fly away, but endures all the hardships of winter in the city. Many do not like it because of its importunity and dirt, others feel sorry for the cooers and feed them. No matter how we feel about this winged creature, the pigeon is an integral part of the ecosystem, our feathered neighbor, which, despite its negative impact, destroys harmful insects, food scraps, weeds and has an aesthetic and psychotherapeutic effect. Proof of the latter are photographs of pigeons, which, despite their similarity, can be very different.

1. A small heap

2. Gloomy mood

3. Movement - life

4. Big City Life

5. We are simple and omnipresent

6. Didn't expect it?

7. We are near

8. Businesslike is off the charts

9. This insatiable hunger

10. Don't let yourself dry out

11. We're always happy to see some action

12. What's that uneaten thing you can see there?

13. From the life of our town

14. No time to explain

15. Our voyage

16. And where is this spring?

17. Reflections on the Meaning of Being

18. Spy Games

19. This is Mine!

20. Grace is not alien to them

21. The beginning of the drip

22. We need to walk more on foot

23. In its place

24. Children of one city

25. It's just Love

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