Woman grew a record-breaking moustache (3 photos)

Category: Records, PEGI 0+
13 February 2025

The American woman with the longest beard on a woman now holds a new Guinness World Record. Erin Honeycutt has the longest mustache on a woman. Her curly red moustache measures 12 inches.

"I usually don't put too much product on my beard and moustache because I don't like the feel of the product on them," says Erin. But she does brush her hair before adding a little conditioner for softness and a little beard wax for hold. "The longer your beard gets, the less product you'll probably want to put on it. In 2020, I started growing my beard to become the record holder for the longest living beard (female), and the moustache just goes along with it! The moustache took a little longer because I was constantly trimming it because it kept getting in my mouth, which was really annoying. But after that, I decided to just keep growing it."

Erin's beard and moustache are the result of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which causes hormonal imbalances and can lead to irregular periods, weight gain, infertility, and excessive hair growth.

She started growing excessive facial hair when she was 13 years old, and had to shave three times a day to manage the constant stubble.

"I stopped shaving because I got tired of constantly shaving my face three times a day," Erin says. "I also saw a lot of women online who were happy with their facial hair, and I figured if they could be happy with what they had, then I should be happy with what I had. And I shouldn't be ashamed of who I am on the outside because it just happens naturally."

While Erin spent her early years shaving her beard, she says her wife's support and the quarantine experience allowed her to experiment with showing the world her real self. She was able to hide her hair behind a mask and go through the awkward stages of being indoors. But once the lockdown was lifted, she found herself happy with what she saw when she looked in the mirror.

"I didn't have to work hard to achieve what happened naturally, which is a pretty mind-blowing feat," Erin said. "I don't think I'm a unique person, but I'm sure to other people I'm mind-blowing."

To capture the true length of her jaw-dropping mustache, Erin needed a team of people to help her along the way.

"Taking measurements for my moustache was a little more challenging than my beard, just because I had to hold it with both hands to measure it from tip to tip," she says. "So I had three people helping me: the barber, the person holding the tape measure, me, and someone else recording us."

Once the 12-inch moustache was measured, Erin could celebrate her new record.

"I really love the fact that I have two records now, just because I never thought I'd be able to achieve one, let alone two," she said. "But I'm proud of who I am, and I'm proud to show the world my authentic self, and hopefully inspire others to do the same."

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