A Sydney resident discovered 102 poisonous snakes in his garden (3 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
13 February 2025

Sydney resident David Stein made an unexpected discovery in his own backyard. After finding several snakes in a pile of mulch, he called in the experts from Reptile Relocation Sydney. However, no one expected that there were 102 snakes hidden under the mulch - five adults and 97 newborns.

According to the owner of Reptile Relocation Sydney, female red-bellied black snakes often gather together before giving birth. However, such a mass incident, when someone witnessed dozens of snakes being born at once, is extremely rare.

One of the females even gave birth to several more babies after being caught, right in the transport bag.

According to Querewar, Stein came for help at the perfect time - the snakes were about to scatter into the surrounding area: "They had just been born and were ready to go out on their own."

Stein, who lives in the Horsley Park area, told the morning show Sunrise that he first noticed the snakes when he was laying down mulch to protect trees.

"I saw a pile of snakes in a mulch pile and it made me shudder," he said.

When he tried to film them, the snakes retreated into the depths of the shelter.

At first he thought he had seen six snakes, but later realized there were many more. A few days later, the snakes had moved into two separate piles at the other end of the garden.

Stein's wife did some research online and learned that female red-bellied snakes often gather before giving birth, meaning there could be more babies to come. That's when he decided to seek help.

Despite all the stress, Stein admitted that it was exciting to watch the events, but he is much calmer now that the snakes have been removed.

Kerevaro said that all the snakes will be released into the national park.

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