The Sad Ending of the Jaguar I-Pace - Thousands of Cars Are Being Scrapped (3 Photos)

13 February 2025

Attractive design, high-tech components and a large circle of wealthy fans of the brand around the world promised worthy prospects for the Jaguar I-Pace. In 2019, this luxury electric crossover became the car of the year in Europe, and then in the world, winning design awards and recognition from environmentalists. But...

Despite the praise, sales never took off, and the I-Pace quickly acquired a completely different, negative reputation caused by reviews due to reliability issues, including a thermally unstable traction battery from LG.

To avoid even greater losses, Jaguar announced the start of a buyback program for 2,760 I-Pace vehicles from disgruntled owners in the United States in late 2024. Similar programs have been launched in other parts of the world, including its native UK.

The company does not intend to engage in modernization with resale on the secondary market, and the recalled vehicles are already being prepared for disposal.

Jaguar I-Pace EV400 AWD R-Dynamic

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