A hero without a cape: a man has been feeding homeless dogs for 25 years (21 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
8 February 2025

Many people want to be heroes, but only a few make that dream come true. And while they may not look like Marvel superheroes, we need people like Marcio Lacerda even more. He has dedicated 25 years of his life to caring for homeless animals and helping low-income families. In Brazil, he is also known as the protector Marcio, who embodies compassion and resilience.

On his journey, Marcio encountered many sick and injured animals, so he decided to study veterinary science at the Lutheran University of Brazil.

Meet Marcio, a hero from Brazil who has been saving homeless animals for 25 years

It all started when Marcio volunteered at an animal shelter. This was his way of healing himself from deep depression

“Twenty-five years ago, I was in a very deep depression. I tried to commit suicide twice. I always loved animals, and knowing this, my friend offered me to work at the shelter,” the man shares.

“It was there that I was able to overcome depression and feel useful to society. Since then, I have dedicated my life to the animals that, one might say, saved me.”

He is currently studying to become a veterinarian at the Lutheran University of Brazil to expand his ability to help

“I am convinced that my life experience and knowledge in the field of veterinary medicine will help me inspire other professionals to join the rescue of animals.”

But his compassion isn't limited to animals - he also supports families in need

"The animals we help usually live in poor areas. We can't just put out a bowl of food for the animals and forget about hungry children. One thing does not cancel the other. We can help animals and at the same time extend a helping hand to our people"

However, great things come at a price. Providing medical care and food requires significant resources

Marcio shared: “The costs are really high. Due to high taxes in Brazil, food and medicine have become too expensive. Without donations, we would not be able to help so many animals.”

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Despite to difficulties, Marcio is not going to give up and continues to carry the idea of ​​compassion and support for those in need to the masses

“Saint Francis of Assisi left an important message: “Start doing the necessary, then the possible, and suddenly you will see that you are already doing the impossible.” We are all capable of helping. Mother Teresa said: “Everything we do is just a drop in the ocean. But without this drop, the ocean would be smaller.” We can make our small contribution, and drop by drop, together, we can change the world,” the Brazilian added.

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