American cleared snow from car with 3-month-old son (4 photos + 1 video)

Category: Children, PEGI 0+
3 February 2025

Texas police have launched an investigation into a careless father who used his baby as a car brush on January 21 in Port Arthur.

The now-deleted video shows a 25-year-old man vigorously cleaning his Hyundai Elantra with his 3-month-old son.

Port Arthur Police Chief Tim Duriso said the incident occurred near a nursing home during a snowstorm. The man's identity has not been released, and a criminal background check is currently underway. The Jefferson County District Attorney's Office is expected to issue an arrest warrant next week.

"There were two women with him, and we believe one of them was the mother. They checked the child, and he was fine," Duriso said, adding that the baby was still in the custody of his parents.

"We have confirmed that the child in the video is a three-month-old. It's a sad situation. I understand that many people are hungry for views on social media. But how can you put a baby on the windshield for that?" the police officer added.

Internet users are divided in their opinions. Some believe the man should be held accountable for his actions, while others believe it was just a harmless joke.

"I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this idiot. He shouldn't be allowed near children," wrote one.

A second added: "This is terrible, and anyone who finds anything funny in this is sick in the head. Come to your senses!"

Many demanded that the two women also be punished: "The mother should be held accountable for filming the video. The situation has gone too far."

There were also those who did not believe that what was happening was real: "Obviously, he dressed the doll in children's clothes"; "Definitely looks like a doll."

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