Employee secretly goes on vacation, sending twin sister to work in her place (2 photos + 1 video)

14 January 2025

Ari Chance was very disappointed when her boss didn't give her the vacation she wanted, but a solution was found quickly.

The thing is, Ari has a sister, Noe, and identical twins are so similar that it's easy to confuse them. So, Noe kindly agreed to pretend to be her relative and replace her at work. And the plan would have worked, if not for one "but". The girls did not take into account that the boss is not alien to anything human, and he also sits on social networks, sometimes looking through the pages of employees. So it wasn't hard for him to look at some photos, read the posts and realize that the real Ari wasn't working at all, but relaxing.

Ari was lucky at least that she hadn't been fired yet. But the boss said that he was extremely disappointed with the employee's behavior, and any further violation would result in serious disciplinary action.

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