18 incredibly cute animals from around the world (19 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
12 December 2024

There are many cute and handsome animals in the wild.

But it is simply impossible to look at some animals without a strong desire to hug, cuddle or at least pet them. And the most striking representatives of the tribe of charmers are captured in these photos.

1. Quokka or short-tailed kangaroo

The animal claims to be not only the most touching, but also the happiest on the planet.

2. Sand (dune) cat

The sand cat lives in hot and arid deserts, and the small predator gets water mainly from its prey.

3. Siberian Flying Squirrel

This fluffy little ball, which can move through the air thanks to the webbing between its paws, spends most of its life hunting for food.

4. American Pika

These little relatives of rabbits and hares are charming little animals, but they are also very hardy. And they can survive harsh weather without hiding in burrows.

5. Fennec Fox - Desert Fox

These North African animals are among the smallest predators in the world. In addition, foxes have the largest ears relative to their body size, which helps them generate heat and hunt.

6. Gundi

An incredibly cute animal. These North African rodents have tiny bristles on their toes that help them clean their fur.

7. Japanese Raccoon Dog

Also known as tanuki, these adorable animals are more closely related to dogs than raccoons. They are monogamous, with mom and dad working together to raise their puppies.

8. Little Deer

The little deer is a species of mammal from the family of deer. The smallest ungulate on the planet. Lives in Southeast Asia. The height at the withers is no more than 25 centimeters with a weight of up to 2.5 kilograms. Instead of horns, male "mouse deer" have tiny fangs.

9. Harris's Antelope Ground Squirrel

The inhabitants of the USA and Mexico build burrows-tunnels where they sleep during the day, and use their tails as umbrellas to hide from the scorching sun.

10. Bongo Antelope

A mammal of the bovid family, the largest representative of the genus of forest antelopes. Bongo is common in West and Central Africa. When fully grown, their horns can reach up to a meter in length.

11. Serval or Bush Cat

Just look at that face! These adorable "giraffe cat"-like animals live in the African savannah, and their long necks aren't their only distinguishing feature. Servals also have larger ears than any other cat.

12. Axolotl (Mexican Walking Fish)

But this isn't a fish at all, it's a type of salamander that lives in Mexico. Unlike other amphibians, which typically lose their dorsal fins and external gills after they emerge from the tadpole stage, axolotls, which live in water, retain these features into adulthood. This explains why they are one of the most adorable animals around.

13. Spotted Quoll

These Australian marsupials spend the first nine weeks of their lives in their mother's pouch. Despite their cute appearance, quolls are predators. Large individuals feed on birds, possums and rabbits, while smaller ones eat insects, bird eggs and small animals.

14. Tamandua or Four-toed Anteater

This little anteater is cuter than its larger relatives. Its long mouth and tongue help it eat up to 9,000 ants a day, but the tamandua also eats termites, honey, and fruit.

15. Maned Wolf

The fox-like maned wolf is not actually closely related to foxes or wolves, and is the only member of the genus Chrysocyon. Its food choice is also misleading - a large part of this South American animal's diet is a berry called lobeira, which means "wolf berry."

16. Japanese Dwarf Flying Squirrel

These tiny nocturnal creatures can swing from tree to tree using a membrane connecting their wrists and ankles called a patagium. Japanese dwarf flying squirrels typically feed on buds, leaves, bark, fruits, and seeds.

17. Emperor Tamarin

The name of this representative of the marmosets is associated with the presence of lush white "whiskers" on these monkeys and is given in honor of Kaiser Wilhelm II. The bearded monkey can be found in tropical forests in groups of three to eight individuals.

18. Arctic Fox

A representative of the wolf family and the only species of the genus of the same name. Despite being small and adorable, arctic foxes can withstand temperatures as low as -70 degrees.

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