You will be fat! Ancestors "put a pig" on modern Chinese (7 photos)

Category: Sports, PEGI 0+
4 December 2024

Urbanization is often synonymous with a sedentary lifestyle, and guess what? Yes, obesity is becoming more and more common, which is logical. And it used to be thought that Asians are not as prone to excess weight as Europeans, and their diet is completely different.

China has the most fat people in the world (simply because there are a lot of Chinese, as you understand)

However, it turned out that in Beijing, the level of obesity is catching up with rich countries by leaps and bounds. So we even have to fight it at the state level, but so far nothing has worked.

The obesity rate in China has not caught up with the American one, but it is alarming that the rate is growing faster than in any other country. If current trends continue, by 2030 it is predicted to exceed 60 percent of the population.

Oh, if only they could attach a turbine to them and power the plant!

And all because the ancestors are to blame!

In general, in China there is a tradition of spoiling children with food, a plump child is a good child. And all because China has a long history of fighting hunger and poverty, and food was considered wealth and success.

According to UNICEF and Peking University, the rate of overweight and obese children in China has quadrupled since 2000. Not bad, huh?

It makes sense that overweight children often become overweight or obese adults. After all, they are used to eating so much and not controlling themselves.

The latest generation eats more meat than the three poorest generations combined

So now more than half of Chinese adults are already overweight. (in our country it is 62%, I will immediately give the figures so that there is no dispute about which is worse and which is better). But on the other hand, it is a sign of food availability!

But there is a nuance

You probably know that Asians have a rather strict attitude "towards fat people", here they pay insanely close attention to appearance. And fat people are considered differently here.

The famous Chinese actress Ling shocked everyone with her transformation. Do you think she had some ozempic?

In China, a BMI (body mass index) over 24 is considered "overweight", and over 28 - "obese". And while in Australia the threshold values ​​are 25 and 30. We also consider 25, this is according to the WHO table.

Why are we getting fat?

Firstly, the Chinese fast food market has doubled in just eight years. You can feel it, there is a small eatery with large portions on literally every corner! Incredibly convenient.

There was even a competition for the fattest man in China, this is him, having already lost 80 kg

Secondly, less hard work in principle, fewer people work on farms until sunset.

Plus rising incomes are causing the Chinese to buy more processed foods, refined rice, and fatty meats.

Why are the Chinese getting fat while the Japanese aren't?

Love this photo, the kid is enjoying his food 200 percent!

The country's cultural code, analysts say. Restaurants in China are often family-run and often use excessive amounts of oil and seasonings, resulting in higher kilojoule counts.

Chinese street food, I can almost smell the greasy smell

Plus the same pig was put on their descendants by the ancestors of the Chinese. Long-term food shortages in the past in China actually led to metabolic and epigenetic changes that affected the risk of obesity in future generations. That is, their bodies react much more actively to high-calorie foods than other Asians.

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