Cat prank

3 December 2024

The cat's owners played a joke on their pet, who was relaxing on the couch. The guy sat down next to the cat and pretended to pet it. In fact, it was the girl who was doing this, hiding behind the couch. When the young man left, the hand continued to pet the pet. The cat's reaction was not long in coming.

The couple came up with an unusual way to "break" their cat's brain by putting on a small performance for him. The girl hid behind the couch, where the unsuspecting cat was sitting, and her partner sat down next to the furry test subject. The synchronized petting took the cat by surprise, because when the guy left, the mysterious hand continued to pet the pet's fur.

The result of the prank exceeded all expectations.

The cat fell into a state of cognitive dissonance. An invisible but tangible hand continued to pet, causing the whiskered one to fall into confusion. It is not surprising that the cat decided to run away from the mysterious hand as quickly as possible, just in case.

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