A girl tried to take someone else's parking space, but was given a ride (7 photos + 1 video)

28 November 2024

On November 17, drivers had to share a space to charge their electric car at the Fashion Valley Mall parking lot in San Diego, California, USA. In the footage from the dash cam, a man is waiting for his turn, but suddenly a girl appears and blocks his way.

The driver did not stand on ceremony and continued driving, but the stranger did not even try to move. She stood with her back to the hood, and then lay down on it. This did not stop the man from parking. And the girl could only retreat. At the end of the video, she returns to her car.

The driver shared the video and gave his version of events: "Fashion Valley Mall in San Diego gets really busy during the holiday season. I pull up to the chargers and they're full. I wait patiently for a space to open up. While I'm waiting, two girls in a Mustang pull into the parking lot and drive past me, clearly noticing me signaling the Mercedes to move. As I begin to move, a female passenger runs out of the Mustang and tries to block my space. And then, you've seen it all."


And recently, in Lancaster, South Carolina, a Food Lion employee prevented a Hyundai Sonata from catching fire. The man noticed smoke in the car and used a fire extinguisher to smash the driver's side window, then put out the fire. He also radioed the make and model of the car to warn the owner.

Soon a woman appeared and shouted, "This is my car!" It turned out that the owner had left a lit candle in the car.

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