A Horrible Find in a Chimney Shocked a Woman: Police Had to Seal the Room (3 Photos)

Yesterday, 14:43

When the woman posted a photo of the find online, people couldn't quite figure out what was found in her home.

Police were forced to seal off one of the rooms in the home of a woman named Lauren Jones after a shocking discovery in the walls of the house. She found bone fragments in the walls behind the fireplace. She shared photos of the finds in a Facebook group called "Our Old House".

The group specializes in houses dating from the 1700s to 1970. And while most of them feature photographs of the rooms, there are sometimes grisly finds.

"These are just some of the bones the police found yesterday during their disturbing inspection of our fireplace and cavity walls. They can't safely remove any more so have said the room is off-limits until they can analyze the bones to determine what type they are," she wrote.

Lauren Jones said the police were "adamant that based on the jaw alone they are probably not human at all, despite them saying many others definitely look human." Lauren "agreed" with this assessment until she "spent hours last night" searching for "human remains" and "came across a photo that was almost identical to the jaw fragment they found."

The woman posted the photos she had taken and asked the group if they thought the bones found in her home looked like the human images in the photos.

"We don't think they're human! We feel much better about that, but the question remains: why the hell would someone remove a section of chimney to put it in a wall cavity?" she added.

Most commenters believed the bones were animal-like, with some even suggesting the jaw was horse, pony, sheep, or goat-like.

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