Creepy and unexpected finds that people found in their possessions (18 photos)

2 August 2023

At home, we all feel safe, warm and comfortable. But sometimes mysterious things can happen there that we are used to seeing in some horror movies and thrillers. The authors of these photos are "lucky" to discover such creepy and unexpected finds in their domain. After such, willy-nilly, you will definitely start to wind up and worry.

A stone in my friend's yard. She said that he was left over from the previous owners of the house.

Found this near my house

Took off the carpets in a newly bought house and saw this

What's drying in my sink this morning

We saw him during a virtual tour of the house. If we buy this house, will the doll haunt us?

Found this creepy statue at my grandma's house

I found this tiny skull in the bathroom sink.

Found this in the attic of the house I bought.

Nobody has been living in the apartment opposite for 2 months, but yesterday I came home and found a candy at the door

It was in my mailbox. Should I be afraid?

These masks are in the car that is always parked in front of my house.

Pulled some blankets out of a drawer at my mom's house

Found this in the attic of our new house.

Last night I heard a knock and the next morning I found it on the window. I live on the second floor

Found behind drywall while renovating my brother's house

I found these dolls in my grandmother's house

I just found a bullet in my kitchen. None of my relatives own firearms

Strange picture I found when I gutted my house

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