20+ antiques that are so creepy (22 photos)

Category: Terrible, PEGI 16
22 March 2023

It's always nice to stumble upon something interesting. antiques, digging on old mezzanines or raking a cellar in the country, but sometimes these unexpected finds are so terrible that at least immediately call an exorcist and jump into a vat of holy water.

1. A girl found a box of old dolls her grandmother used to play with in the 1930s.

2. Furbies are already quite creepy, and this one, found on an old abandoned farm, is even more so.

3. Note in Swedish: “This brownie gnome was found by my father in the winter of 1866 inside the wall of the old barn. By that time he already died a long time ago"

4. Token found buried under the house next to the bones: "I Catholic. In the event of an accident, please notify the priest."

5. "Dad found this headstone under the house"

6. And someone found a pair of shoes in 100-year-old cement, and it’s even scary to think what else can be found there

7 Another User Found Old Eyeball Containers

8. And I found another one in the underground ... this, whatever it is

Source 9The Bible found under the floorboards of a dilapidated barn behind an old house

10. And this one was found in the attic of a 200-year-old house, and it seems that more than one exorcism was performed on her.

11. But someone found a very old bottle of "strong and deadly poison"

12. This one is not so scary anymore, it's just "poison"

13. And this guy found cassettes with all the telephone conversations from the home line, which he recorded about 20 years ago previous owner

14. And someone found this promotional brochure for the World Trade center of the 80s: "Even closer to paradise, some of us can not get close"

15. And someone was lucky to find an issue of the New York Times dedicated to the sinking of the Titanic

16. Another user bragged to the local newspaper about the assassination of Martin Luther King...

17. ...and John F. Kennedy

18. Old card with instructions in case of an air raid

"The person who hands you this card is Inspector air defense. Keep calm. Draw the curtains. Turn off the whole world. Lie flat on your back. IMPORTANT: do whatever is required of you inspector".

19. An ancient computer found in the forest. Which is creepy in itself, not to mention that scary bear."

20. And this guy found an old gun, ammunition and other suspicious things in his house

21. And finally: workers repairing an old church found a coffin .. with a window

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