A boy from New Zealand found a giant earthworm (4 photos)

Category: Nature, PEGI 16
17 October 2022

What kind of creatures you will not meet in New Zealand! This the boy, playing near the house, found a giant earthworm, length which was about a metre.

9-year-old New Zealander found a giant in the garden earthworm, the length of which was almost 1 meter. boy by Barnaby's name was so inspired by an unusual find that he wanted to leave worm to yourself, and take care of it. But the parents did not allow it - after all, he place in the wild.

"Barnaby played with his brothers near a stream near the house. He explored water in search of something interesting, suddenly found this rain worm and pulled it out of the water with a stick. He was shocked that a worm can be that big! We did not measure it, but determined that its length is about a meter," said the boy's mother.

When the photo of Barnaby with the worm was posted on social media, it quickly gained popularity. It turns out that many saw this for the first time. worm. But New Zealand is full of the most unusual creatures! local worms species Spenceriella gigantean can grow up to a meter in length. Most often they can be found in the forests. Therefore, users were surprised that the boy made such a find right next to the house.

Spenceriella gigantean in nature

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