18 Interesting Things People Have Found in Their Homes (19 Photos)

9 March 2023

I suggest you take a look at the photos of curious things that people managed to find without leaving their homes.

It turns out that interesting findings can be encountered not only in archaeological sites. Unusual vintage items decorations and just interesting things can be found right in your home. How as a rule, people encounter them during general cleaning or renovation, when all the rooms are literally turned over bottom up.

Finding different things is a great opportunity to distract from boring work and take a breath, and also develop your intuition. After all far from always discovered finds can be identified from the first attempts. Sometimes you may need the help of friends.

Found a whole bar of silver in my friends new house

Moved to a new house where I found this rather interesting brooch

Chest found in the attic of the house

Ten year stash

Moved into an empty parental apartment, with rearranged found a stash of $1,000 dated April 2004. As a decent son, he returned it to his parents.

Found this coin in the basement of my house

It was in a box along with a certificate stating that it contained 44 grams of pure gold.

While repairing a basement wall, I found a 100-year-old marriage certificate.

Found a giant beehive while renovating a house

Found this while cleaning out a newly purchased 100 year old house.

It turns out that in our old house there is a bookshelf that you can open and get into a small room.

Recently moved to a new house. Found a gold ring in it with a metal detector

Just in case, I contacted the previous owner. The elderly woman who formerly owned the house was crying when I handed her a ring. Turns out her husband gave it to her years ago, and she I never thought I would see my favorite jewelry again.

I found this old Christmas decoration in my house.

The decoration is glass and slightly fluoresces under ultraviolet light.

Found an old well right under my house

My cousins just bought a new house and found this weird drawing in the attic.


The other day I was sorting out old floors, which are probably older than me, and I found such a product.

During the repair, I found an old can of Coca-Cola from 1997

Found a bunch of steel mini Coke bottles when I was cleaning my mom's house.

Found an old gas mask in my grandma's basement

We found a plaster mask under the bedroom floor.

I can almost guarantee that this is just a mold for someone to do all the make-up stuff. My girlfriend has such. And every student in her class made one for fun.s. Why was it under the floor with gravel and earth? Someone probably wanted scare the next owner of the house well. It looks like he has it turned out great!

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