When she was found abandoned in a field, she was barely breathing, but love and care worked a miracle (8 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
Today, 01:55

A resident of St. Louis, Missouri, USA, was driving when she noticed a metal cage in the tall grass. The woman stopped and decided to check the place. Next to the cage, she found an emaciated dog.

"She was not alone. Unfortunately, her sweet friend was hit by a car. The dog did not survive, but she did not leave him," Julie Christofferson shared on her social network page.

"Her condition is horrific. She's almost completely furless from thousands of fleas. She doesn't have fungus, but she has burns all over her body, which the vet says are from contact with urine and feces while she was kept in a cramped cage."

The dog was so weak from anemia that she couldn't stand up.

Julie's friend Sarah Barney carefully placed the animal in the car and drove her to Stray Rescue of St. Louis (SRSL).

"She couldn't stand up or walk on her own, and she had lost a lot of hair," SRSL staff said. "We thought she had a broken pelvis, but luckily she didn't. She was just old and weak, and she had a hard life."

The dog was provided with proper nutrition, treatment, and a wheelchair was made for her hind legs. And after just a few days, her condition improved significantly.

"We encourage her and take her for walks. She really wants to move on her own and sniff everything!"

"She is 13 years old and is determined to live the way she should live! In love and care."

"Now that she knows what attention is, she wants it all the time. She's so tiny!" the clinic added.

Cardi B quickly found a new family.

"The owners said that she can already stand up on her own. She chases a ball and enjoys swimming. Love is not just a noun, it's an act of will. Love is a verb. It's something you do."

Thanks to Sarah Barney and the entire team at Stray Rescue of St. Louis, Cardi B now knows the healing power of love.

She went from being a sick and unwanted dog to a happy pet. She can fully enjoy her life - beautiful and filled with sunshine.

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