The woman did not want to part with her dead cat (6 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
5 June 2023

A fashion designer from Portland, Oregon, USA, couldn't find place when I learned about the death of a cat. not wanting to part with pet, the woman decided on an unusual procedure.

Soren Hai was heartbroken when she lost her beloved pet, a 16-year-old cat named Lokicat.

A resident of Portland (Oregon, USA) was not ready to leave with a pet that was killed by a dog. So she found a firm providing exceptional customer service.

Employees subject animal carcasses to freeze-drying, also known as the freeze-dry technique. And Soren paid $3200 for this process.

Now Lokicat can be called a cat not with nine lives, but with endless lives. Soren said that freeze-dry is much better than taxidermy. This technology affects tissues in a completely different way, and our dead friends after death are much more like themselves than stuffed.

In addition, the hostess was sent the cremated organs of her pet, which she buried in the garden in an urn.

As for Lokicat, she took pride of place on table, and each time Soren is a little comforted by looking at his beloved cat. The woman admits that her act may seem strange to someone, but every animal owner is free to have the right to decide - to part with the deceased pet or keep it forever.

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