“Money is the Most Important Thing in the World for Me”: A Master of Snitching from Germany Became a Millionaire (4 photos)

Today, 18:58

The guy continues to snitch on people around him and ignores threats.

Niklas Mattei has found a profitable business - informing on drivers for illegal parking. The guy is terrorizing the German city of Gravenhainichen.

He rides around the streets on a bicycle, photographs cars of violators and sends the pictures to the police. The head of the local security forces even complained that the police can no longer work normally - they only sort through the photos that Mattei has thrown at them.

The young man frankly irritates drivers, but they can do nothing about him.

Niklas Mattei

But Niklas turned out to be not so simple - he already has more than a million euros in his account. The media spread news about the guy all over Germany and he began to be invited to various shows, holidays and other events. For each meeting, the young man receives a good fee.

When it comes to my money, I don't take risks. <..> I'm a miser. The comparison with Scrooge McDuck is appropriate. I don't spoil myself with anything. Money is the most important thing in the world for me, - the informer boasts.

In order not to waste money, Niklas does not travel at his own expense and does not meet with girls. It gets to the point that he steals toilet paper from hotels. So he really is a real miser. But he is persistent: the young man says that a million in his bank account gives him an additional incentive to inform even more actively. Therefore, he will continue to torment the car owners of his town.

There are two options here: either everyone in this Grefenhainichen will start parking strictly according to the rules, or the car owners will go crazy, catch the informer and do something interesting to him. He did get it from a fined guy once. They'll probably hit him in the face more than once.

But for now he keeps snitching. </..>

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